System Pics 2021

Going double Gurus and Depeche mode sound like , well, they have just pulled up and started gigging, no blue lights, yet!



That picture reminds me of the couple of years I worked on small ro-ro cargo vessels on the North Sea.
Then we would roll the other way. Sometimes up and down.Sometimes all motions together.



Nice Audeze there!

Welcome. It appears the Muso is a gateway drug and often there’s no going back from there.


Sound great with S3!

Looks nice and I like your floor. What is it?

Thanks. It’s the concrete slab ground and polished. I did it myself. I borrowed the equipment from someone that used to operate a business and followed his instructions.


That’s pretty impressive, I have a commercial flooring business and I’ve paid so called professionals that struggle to get as good as finish as yours. :+1:


Looks like terrazzo - my great grandfather Felice was a terrazzo craftsman. He did the some floors in Our Lady of Pompei church in the South Village in Manhattan. Very nice work on your part - looks great.


Yes it’s not easy and I can imagine the workmanship can vary greatly depending on someone’s knowledge and care factor. The biggest issue is the quality of the concretes slab. Always an unknown until you start! I used to have a small business making concrete worktops so I know a thing or two about concrete.


True the existing slab is a huge issue that plus customers expectation often results in disappointment. Cheers.


Mine was in the same business, although his name was Hermann and a reasonable amount of his earnings ended up in the pub between his workshop and home. The terrazzo stairs in his house are still in a good shape after a century of use.


So, a few pictures of my little project system so far. The brief is to assemble an early 1990’s Sony stack of ES components, but without just spending a fortune on each component.

System so far is a TA-670ES amp in lovely original condition (£200.00). An X333ES CD player (charity shop purchase £50, a little rough around the edges but it’s built like a breeze block). A nice condition S570ES tuner (£100), a fully automatic PS-LX431. (£60) and finally a TC-K677ES cassette deck (£250). This has been my real misstep so far, the feature count is fine but it’s not ES quality and the box is only half size.

Next steps - replace the cassette deck but must resist just buying the right deck for £600-700. Look out for a DAT deck, although this will certainly be just an ornament as they sound pretty hard work to keep going. Then fashion side cheeks for each component and finally get some Sony speakers. A work in progress.


Yes, it is certainly among the most durable of all flooring options!


I love the little Iota Alphas. The Kans really show how diminutive these are :grinning:

…they certainly are tiny, certainly front room friendly for the other half. However, They kick out loads of bass with their downward firing bass drivers. I had to turn the bass down on the Sony as it was a little too much.

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Spendor shoot out! 3/1 on home demo as possible replacement for A7.


Very interested to hear your thoughts as I use some Spendor S5e, which I am generally pleased with, but considering an upgrade and a change to stand mounts.
The 3/1’s do get goods reviews.

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Don’t want to hog the pics thread but I really like them so far, they were unused and brand new as of yesterday so will need some running in time. I was expecting them to be a bit pipe and slippers but actually they’re not at all which surprised me. They’re a much easier listen then the A7’s which is what I was after and there’s something very engaging about a standmounter after you’ve had floorstanders, anyway so far highly recommended. I’ll report back at the end of the week. If I go for them these will go back and I’ll order a pair in cherry as I’m not a big walnut fan. Might also check out the 4/5 and maybe some Harbeths although the Spendors are better value.


Thanks, I will be interested in each of your reports. Although mine are very balanced across the range, I am looking for a bit more of a bass thump. I plugged in a pair of Kef R3’s recently, which gave the bass and top end, but lacked the mids.