System Pics 2021

Please let us know how that goes

PS don’t worry about hogging the thread :thread:, it will quickly get absorbed

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Hi I am very interested in the Kaya S12 speakers were they demoed with Naim gear…any more thoughts on their sound…openess…lack of boxyness??? bass performance …clarity???

Firstly, I’m a audiophile novice so bear that in mind as I attempt to answer your questions.

Yes, I listened to them via a Naim Uniti Atom and then a Nova.
I currently own an Atom.
My dealer informed me that the 12’s are incredibly ‘efficient’ so in terms of my potential next speaker upgrade, the 12’s would be a perfect match for my Atom.
I currently have a pair of B&W’s 705 s2.

In short, and in my humble opinion, for such a small speaker the sound was very impressive - clean, dynamic, detailed and transparent, with a spacial deep/wide sound stage. Bass was, for me, completely sufficient.

However, ‘if’ I was to purchase a Vivid speaker, it would be the Kaya 25’s.
Because aside from any sound improvements, the 25’s aesthetically / design-wise are beautiful. I’m simply not a fan of the 12’s aesthetics.
I need to love both the sound and the speaker design, and the 12’s fall short in my opinion.

The best speaker I’ve listened to, just last week, was a pair of Focal Diablo Utopia Colour Evo, via a Nova…Astonishingly good…I even like their design


Don’t know what the Vivids sound like as I haven’t listened to them but they do get reviews. They also look pretty good as well. I’m sure someone here will be able to help.

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They very probably sound very good. Vivid is ex BW.
However the kaya 25 looks like a standing otter to my eyes.


You’re developing very good dark English humour skills Sweetie :clap::heart_eyes:


I thought you’d like that cutting edge look.

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Kudos 606’s just added (+KS-1 cables), sounding even better…

(also having a home demo with the Linn Klimax Katalyst…)



Hi thankyou so much for your reply…thats very interesting…I will give them a listen…as for the looks…I will need to see them in the flesh…when you listened to them where they located close to wall behind them…or out in the room…??
Regarding you being an audiophile novice your opinion is probably even more valuable!!!.. so thankyou so much…

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What a fabulous setup :slightly_smiling_face:

I see you are a fellow NDS owner. Are you using the streaming services or just local files? These days, I mainly use mine with Roon, via my Audiostore server which is a Roon Core, a 2tb SSD NAS and makes the NDS a Roon endpoint.


Hi Keith

and thanks.

I use Tidal a little, though mainly Qobuz (thru m-connect which works well), UServe ripped files (NAS backup), and lots of Radio Paradise…no Roon.

Currently trying the Linn Klimax as we speak vs the NDS…(although I do love the NDS sound…)

The Linn KK, particularly in black, looks gorgeous. Enjoy your demo :+1:

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Speakers were ‘out in the room’, a good couple of meters from the walls
I’d be keen to hear your thoughts once you’ve had a chance to listen to them

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Weird look for me

I am loosing my french and polish identity, more and more.

Not as weird as some those hi end turn tables. :grin:

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For sure !

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French polish:

You certainly knew this already :slight_smile:



I thought it meant polishing off (drinking) a nice bottle of French wine🤪

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