System Pics 2021

I didn’t knew that meaning of polishing .
Is it “to drain a bottle “?


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I will need them closer to the rear wall…I don’t listen at huge volumes probably about 75dB or so…I am excited to hear them… Alot of thought has gone into these speakers…bespoke drive units…intricate cabinet design and a wealth of experience…I am hoping these will be vastly superior to the SL700s… Currently I use PMC20.21 these are amazing little speakers… they have seen off ATCs and B&W 805D3s in my room… so we will see…

I posted a joke myself on polish/ Polish but didn’t want to offend. I should have left it up. Clearly you have a sense of humor.



You can also polish your knob.


I tried the linn selekt with sound optimisation sadly it didn’t have the slam and punch of a Naim source. Interested to hear how you get with the higher end linn.


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Hi Gary

I home demoed the Selekt Katalyst a few month back, along with the NDX2, neither compared favourably with the NDS…infact the Selekt was somewhat disappointing…

So far, the Linn KK seems at least as good as the NDS, maybe better…some more listening to do over the week…

Interesting, I have a tricky room so I tried the selekt as it had the sound optimisation, the tech worked and it controlled the bass well but ultimately it was just too polite and I missed the Naim slam and drive.

Keep us posted

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All Naim including standard cables, apart from the old Planar 3, maybe the perfect ‘mid range’ combination……???

CDS3/555PS/282/250DR/HiCap/Mk2 SBL


Like these but doubt I could afford them AND the divorce….


Comfy, homely and musical. Love your room. The system is not bad either! You should add your guitars to the guitar thread in the padded cell…


Don’t the guitars and their strings resonate with the music?

Thank you Stuart. The music room had a refurb earlier in the year, the iPhone photos make it seem brighter than it is, and this is the first time the system has been in a fully carpeted room and it’s made a lovely difference!! The basses (one is nearly as old as me……) on the right wall I believe have made an appearance in that thread but the guitars are just cheap toys that reside in here for now……….

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Only if they’re out of tune………… :joy::joy:
But seriously I’ve never give it consideration - maybe the acoustics could act as a microphone while the solid slabs of bass guitar act as dampening??? I’m going to have to move them around now and listen for differences……………

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Very nice “man cave”!



Or season of the witch?

Nice to see a Planar 3 of a similar vintage to mine!
Out of interest, what phono stage are you using? (Musing over getting the Rega out of mothballs but I have no phono stage at present.)

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Love this room! Very welcoming and comfy… :sunglasses:

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Screenshot 2019-12-28 at 19.02.51

ooh Matron