System Pics 2021

Jeepers I hope this thread doesn’t go any further off topic down this path!


The thread title means the issue you are concerned with is absolutely on topic :grinning:


….and it was His Highness of the Picture Thread, who started it :point_up:t2::joy::joy: Enjoy Peter

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Just got some Isoblue racks for this system today. I know that they are not matched with the tab 10 finish but it gets along with the decoration - WAF though. Changing some new speakers to match them might be easier. :sweat_smile:


One more level needed then.


How many systems do you have Bandit?!

Profile is lacking several.

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Yes, only got the nDAC after ordering the racks

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Haha, I have 4 systems Neil - two here at my home town (I will be here normally on the weekend but am working from there at this moment to escape pandemic situation in Bangkok where I live) and the other two at my house in Bangkok. That’s why I want some Naits. :sweat_smile:


No Nait, no glory.

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Surely 4 is enough?! :wink:

I realise a 1 is moving on. One in reserve?

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Thought I’d lower the tone what with all these impressive systems and lovely looking rooms.

Here’s my office above the garage where I do most of my listening :grin:

12/BD160 serviced by Naim earlier this year and very good they sound too!!

I was lucky to find such good examples with original boxes, docs, etc. Just a shame two of the NAC12 dials had cracked.

System plays through a pair of late 80s Briks.

@Richard.Dane Can we say the BD160 is 50 years old yet? When’s its official birthday? I suppose Naim can claim that their impact on the environment caused by recycling is relatively low for an electronics company :slight_smile:


Chopin. Polish French or French Polish.

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Haha, may be five :sweat_smile:

Officially it’ll be 2023.


Nait 1 (red - smooth knobs)
Nait 1 (green)
Nait 2 - Chrome Bumper
Nait 2 - Olive

What did I miss?



That’s all, me think

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Nait 2 olive is being with me in my living room :slight_smile:


Nice to see another Ikea product being put to good use.


Olive CD

Super interested in your view on the KK compared to the NDS - I had one for a while at my house in Yorkshire - dallied with it again earlier this year when I was coming under pressure on boxcount, so I brought it down to form a part of the main system.

I’ve never had an NDS - and we were end to End Linn for that Dalliance (KK, K Tunebox, K twin x 3 - into my 808s) - so I’d be interested how you find the KK as a source into Naim amps.

My wife (instigator of the box count pressure) and I both agreed that the Linn system was tremendously dull, and thus the box count pressure relented. Not a result I expected, but the right one for us!

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