System Pics 2021

Hi Snarfy, I think they are good in my limited space. Not at the best of the Alphas which I’ve heard with some mighty amps. The little Nait has replaced an integrated amp that costs much higher than it. I prefer the Nait. It’s more musical and better rhythmic to me though.

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Nice low profile setup! K. Bandit picks up the award for World’s Smallest Fraim – unless there’s someone out there using only a base…

And having seen Fraim prices in Thailand, it makes perfect sense :flushed:

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Thanks for the award @easeback1 :pray:
You’re right, they are ridiculously expensive here. Are you living in Thailand?

Yes I am, in Chonburi. Previously in Chiang Mai.

I sold all my Naim gear before I moved over here; made do musically for several years with just a Macbook / iPod, but then got bitten by the bug again…


Ah I see - heard that they’re gonna have a new dealer, let see how the pricing looks like. Stay safe.

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As I have just been saying on another post, smaller simpler systems can be so attractive


Yes, it is. We usually started with this kind of simple system and looked after for something a bit better, then upgraditis. It became more complex. Then end up at coming back to simplicity. :sweat_smile:


10/10 , started with a humble Nait 3 , all the way to a 5 box Classic and now using a Nova


Thanks Peter ! you too.

No more Harbeths?


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I still have some P3ESR at the old place of my wife. We were there once a week but due to new covid-19 cases rising in Thailand, we haven’t been there for a few months. Miss them so much.


looks great, did you go standard height between shelves? Im thinking whether I should us can extension to give more clearance for SN3-thanks

could I ask which colour that rack is?

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Sure, it is natural oak.

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No system change, but I have added a gorgeous photo of my favourite Munro. I will leave it to @IanF to decide which one it is, it’s not a difficult one lol!


Nice headrest!!

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Yes, Bailey recovering from his morning walk. Lola is in disgrace after rolling in something unpleasant requiring a bath….


My folks had a poodle that did that - always seems to find the smelliest doo doo!

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