System Pics 2021

Thanks …:smiley: I came up with this order primarily to optimize cable dressing. As the 6 strands speaker cable are equal length and the plugs on the back of my speakers are at different heights I have the amps stacked reverse so all cover about the same distance. Amp to the highest speaker point ie tweeters on the bottom shelf while amp to the lowest speaker point Ie bass on the top. With the pss it’s in reverse order or if you wish according to the drivers with tweeter ps up and bass ps bottom so the burndeys cross each other and don’t touch ground and all hang loose and free. But this may not be an issue in your setup as from what I know the plugs on your speakers are all at the bottom.
As I have this rather unorthodox triangular setup my pss are quite separate far off from the amps

I imagine some think everyone aspires to owning a system like that but they couldn’t be more wrong!


Our home is full on Farrow and Ball (Cromarty in the living room). I was going to suggest B&Q’s colour matching service, but F&B is difficult to match as it can look completely different in different light conditions. So the archive route sounds better, although you probably wouldn’t notice a couple of near miss of spots of paint.

Good to hear the wall bracket is easy to fit. The one for the cheaper Regas is not easy to get level, at least in my experience.

Very, very careful drilling is the answer. A good hole with a nail, a pilot hole with 6mm and then enlarge with the 8mm. You’ll never get it right if you go straight for the 8mm. The smaller bracket is probably more tricky than the bigger one, as the holes are closer together.

Quite. Size isn’t everything.

Yes, but if the wall isn’t perfect, then it can droop or whatever the opposite of droop is.

If the wall isn’t 100% perpendicular, a way to prevent downwards droop is to add a few oversize washers to the lower bolts (which will angle the bracket upwards). For upwards droop, put the washers on the top two bolts

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beautiful rack, system and room treatments

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I was thinking you meant the level from side to side, which is where the critical drilling comes in, and yes if you hit a really hard bit it can throw the drill up or down. The levelling front to back is easy. The bracket needs to hang on the screws about 1mm or 2mm from the wall, and is then levelled with the two bolts at the bottom, which don’t screw into the wall. The bracket itself doesn’t touch the wall, it’s just held by the screws and levelled with the bolts. The fact that the deck weighs very little makes this possible.

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And for Brewers Droop?


A stiff drink, obviously.


Those DBLs always get me salivating…

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The NAP500s look small next to those lovely DBLs

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Ah, makes sense now, thanks!

Yes with S600 the plugs are at the bottom, plus I have to use 7.5M of Superlumina cable to reach them so can’t avoid that being on the floor.

Clever idea for the Burndys. The bottom most Burndy is on the floor so this could help address that.

Here’s my set up so far, all ready for the festive season.

Didn’t have the thought to try to shoe-horn the Naim into that corner recess when the shelving was made, but thank goodness, it (just) fits… Cable dressing is a nightmare and it probably breaks all the rules for ideal brain / brawn separation, but it still sounds great!

Certainly have to agree with others who are settling in a 552 - what is it with the incredible time lag of brutal stridency?? I genuinely cannot fathom why or how it seems to smooth away, but the whole system is dare I say it, starting to gel together after at least 2 months?

A huge thanks to all of the terrific advice and information from the collective wisdom on this forum; a totally invaluable resource for planning the next step in this incredible hobby!

Merry Christmas all!



A Merry Christmas to you and all members of this wonderful forum especially @Richard.Dane @Naim.Marketing and @Stevesky for all their help to us over the last year!!


It’s nice to see the evolution of your system to what it is now. Your praise of the NDX2+SN3 combo has pretty much been my inspiration to get the same system. I am glad that I decided to skip a number of steps in between which would no doubt have resulted in quick upgrades. I’ve found a great offer for the pair from a dealer as ex demo units. The NDX2 they will let go straight away but they want to hang on to the SN3 for another 6 months. This works great for me. The NDX2 is nearly paid for, giving me time to then save for the SN3. In the mean time I think I have decided to pick up an old olive Nait 2 to partner with it so I can experience some classic Naim gear.


Nicely done. Beautiful room too :+1:


That’s a very classy set up and room, we’ll done youngster!!