System Pics 2021

Having owned a Nait 2 in the past, I think you may well decide to keep it permanently , especially with the boost your speakers will give in the bass region. It’s a great amp if it gels with everything else. Absolute classic in my mind :+1:
I’d be intrigued to know how it works out


Thanks for the feedback. I’ll be sure to post regarding the results.

Second system - Nova (and streaming solution for this house) - getting in the festive spirit.

Speakers: My ancient Kef Q15’s on Atacama stands


About festive spirit, what kind of Ardbeg is the one I see in the picture?


It’s Very Old Ardbeg, and possibly the nicest Ardbeg I’ve ever tasted.


That first like was mine.


That looks like a good way to stave off the temptation of a 552.

I’m pleased it’s worked out for you and that you’ll be able to save up in the six months. The NDX2/SN3 are a really good pairing and I’m sure you’ll love them, especially with your wonderful speakers.


Great! I love Ardbeg, I’m going to look for it.

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Better warn your bank manager…


A serious dram, enjoy…

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Awesome news Mark, I went the other way round with the SN3 first, node to keep it company and now working towards the ndx2. All the best


I had a NDX2/ SN2 set up and it’s a wonderful and simple 2 box set up. I’m sure you’ll very much enjoy it.

That’s exactly what is appealing to me. The simplicity. When I got the Atom and after experiencing what it’s capable of I really didn’t see myself getting more than one box ever again. I can live with one extra box I suppose, and it gives me confidence when so many people that have had bigger systems have downsized to this combo.


Be interesting how you rate the Nait2 with those speakers of yours. You might be in for a surprise.

I think the Nait 2 with Marks speakers will sound wonderful have you found a Nait 2 Mark?

Hope he manages to get the right one…… :blush:

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And so say all of us!

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I think Brewers or Johnstones in uk the can do this we got some paint mixed to match our Magnet kitchen cabinets

That looks awesome, no doubt it sounds awesome too.