System Pics 2021

I get where you’re coming from, I’ve got one of those too.
Satisfyingly heavy but also a bit heavy on batteries too ….
Still a very nice thing.
Mine came with my NAC552

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Well I’m going to spend the next month or so trying to work out what I should pay for one, and weather to get one that’s just had a service etc etc. Any advice you can offer?

Can we have less talk and more pics of paint cans.

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Your wish is my command ighaman.

Probably the new living room colour…



Sorry for thread drift. Here’s a photo of a 25 yo Tabriz to atone.


Is it finished in downpipe grey? :laughing:


Apologies for thread drift. Here’s a few pics to make up. Remaking my old bookshelf speakers using some veneer I have left from the big speakers. An old Troels Gravesen design using scan Speak drivers. Currently getting veneered in Maple. Crossovers ready to go. (Wiring these is my absolute favourite part of making speakers)


Hi @TabooKahuna am curious to hear about how the Gaias improved the sound of your Kantas. Lots of info out there but would appreciate a first hand account.

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Happy to oblige - thanks for asking.

The most immediately noticeable difference was in a tightening of the bass; any looseness seemed to disappear and bass clarity reinforced rhythmic drive. For me, this was the most appealing change as it aided musical engagement.

The second most noticeable improvement was in soundstaging, both in terms of separation of instruments and voices as well as in soundstage depth. Again, I found this really aided engagement with the music.

With the bass cleaned up I noticed more clarity across the frequency spectrum. Everything just sound more natural and right. Hope this is helpful!


The Speak driver looks exactly the same as the one on my Totem Hawks…

I wonder if it is the same product?


If not the same it will be very close. I think they (totem) have them altered slightly from the “off the shelf version” to prevent people from opening them up and copying the crossovers to make a clone. It’s a shame because if you ever need a driver you can’t just order a scan speak one. You have to get a “custom” one from totem.

They are a really nice sounding driver. I’ve had numerous versions of the scan speak revelator in a few different speakers and loved them all. I think they have a really nice synergy with naim equipment.


Thanks for this. The next tweak is lined up then…

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That’s really interesting, I wonder if my Totem Forest Signatures have a Speak driver as well? I’ve always found that Totem goes well with Naim, in fact I have two systems with those matches. The Totems have a very natural presentation and a wonderful soundstage/imaging.


The Totem Forrest looks like an audio technology driver to me. Also very good drivers. Polypropylene cone I’m pretty sure. Not paper like the scan Speak revelator. I’d guess that your Forrest’s are more transparent and a touch more neutral than the hawk, which I’d guess are a little sweeter and tonally rich.

I am liking their Duck green in the new range, would make a nice feature wall with that.

Yes, I’ve been thinking of actually trying the Hawks on the 252/250 for fun, as that system is in the smaller room. I use to have the Forests on my Nova at one time in the lounge and yes, more transparent and open. But the Hawks seem to have a superb level of imaging, but this could just be the different room effects as play.

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I have had Klipsch Heresy IIIs for a couple of years, and they are much better than common thought goes. I still wonder why I sold them. They solve a lot of problems, chiefly power requirements and fun department. They were good with almost any type of music, not squeaky at all, and they brought a touch of vintage America to our living room. You did a smart thing in my opinion, enjoy them. M.



the place looks beautiful and vaguely familiar; where is it?


I really like your Nativity. It’s a nice way to homage the whole thing, discreet and loving in its own way.
If I were to do it I would probably put a 15 years old Palestinian single mother in a cold cellar in some large EU or US city, chased by the immigration office, at risk of being expelled. I think the world is full of unknown Marias or Miriams without any need for their babies to change water into wine when grown up; it would be enough if idiocy and cruelty could be changed into peaceful thinking.

A Merry Christmas to you and to everybody,