System Pics 2021

Thanks! It does sound great but unfortunately pays little attention to cable management due to the location, but anything’s possible if you put your mind to it… There are lots of strategic holes cut in the MDF walls to the rear of the shelves to route burndy’s as faithfully as I can… :+1:

Wilson Audio Tune Tot looks like it uses a similar driver too. Once you start looking the distinctive cuts/glue pattern gets everywhere

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Yeah they are in quite a few different speakers even some of the big Wilson’s. Their successors, the scan speak illuminator drivers, made it into the the Beolab 90. Infact all the beolab 90 drivers are scan speak.

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Thanks @Toon

Speakers came yesterday!
Kudos Titan 606
KS-1 speaker cable

Took the advice and removed the built-in. The sound is SO much better. Just a little plastering and painting now :joy:


Lovely 606s. :+1: What are they sitting on?

Those are some very big speakers for just a 200 to drive… :thinking:

Its likely people will be saying you need a 250 or a 300, for them.
YMMV, as always… :slightly_smiling_face:


Happy Eternity Baby is by Alessi and a nice understated design. I agree with your sentiments, the whole spirit of Christmas is easily subsumed in an a horrible consumerist nightmare with people spending far more than they can afford and a pressure for everything to be perfect.


In the Nova / Nap 250 combination, this second device serves to control the speakers, the Nova is then a preamp. I think nap 250 is very capable of running d7.2. With the new speakers I got a bigger sound scene, much better bass, the instruments are better positioned and I have a feeling that the musicians are in front of me. The A7 is also a good speaker, but the d7.2 is a completely different class.

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As for system pics: The holy family took place on top of the Tivoli…
Happy days around this years Christmas!


Minor changes for the end of the year. CDPS, 52 and Supercap all back from servicing at Class A. And a buffalo cd reader for the melco. The CDPS is a bit of a gamble with servicing as its 30 next year, and the CDS will become a doorstop once it dies. If i can get a few years more out of it i will be happy.

As expected the top end harshness has gone. Darran said the amps and PS performance would improve over a few weeks. Sounds good to me even after a few days warm up so perhaps i am in for a treat over christmas.


Just some pieces of slate I had. I wasn’t sure of the best way to sit 35kg weighted spikes on old floorboards of variable strength? Now the speakers aren’t really coupled to the floor though, as the slate is just floating on the carpet? Any advice welcome!

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Yes, and I actually demoed with a 250 and thus also hicapped 282. So far very happy with the sound though. I may try and borrow a 250 or 300 sometime?

Ok, thats good… Future plans… lols. But (I checked the Kudos price list…) perhaps after you have recovered, financially, from buying the 606’s…?

It is nice to do things in stages… You appreciate the changes more, that way… :thinking:

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Let us know how it goes when the time comes!

Is there no way to rearrange things to get your speakers 2m or more apart? I suspect it’s not worth spending more unless you can do that.


Agreed. Less than 1.5 metres apart, right speaker next to wall, left speaker next to doorway…

Hmmmm. Richard, can you move speakers to the right hand wall maybe ?

Your new speaker build was one of this forum’s favourites, could we have a similar thread please?


A very nice setup hopefully your CDS has many more years ahead.

One question how long are your burndy cables as the CDS / 52 seem a fair distance from their respective power supplies?

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Very nice set up haydj :+1:t3: Enjoy Peter

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