System Pics 2021

Not until I convert my sons playroom to my music room :joy:. Just a few more years to go! As you probably know, kudos speakers are incredible easy to place. I am lacking on stereo imaging though :disappointed:

I’ll second the request for another speaker build thread :slight_smile:


Im hoping my CDS lasts a while too, its a lovely machine with some real character.

Good question on the cable length

I haven’t measured the burndy itself. But The distance between the two boxes is 70cm (horizontal plane), id guess the burndys are about 1.2 ish meters. The burndys are free hanging and are not touching anything, with the exception of the 52 digital power lead which crosses the 52 burndy once.

The order of the power supplies top to bottom on the right stack is supercap, CDPS, 250. So the burndy’s cross, i did this to make sure the burndys did not touch the rack or other cables as they were a bit long, its very neat.

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I think 1.2 is the standard length the picture must be playing tricks with my eyes :grin:

When I owned a CDS2 I much preferred the CDPS over the olive XPS the CDS2/CDPS pairing just seemed to sound right more analogue.


That’s the combo I run. I’ve had a hankering for an XPS but only because it’s newer and so must be better. Interesting that you think otherwise. It certainly sounds great


The CDSPS is a heavy lump, it feels much heavier than the supercap.

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The CDPS has two transformers and a shed load of caps


It’s not so much image but more about scale. Stick it all in the corner and it’s like a go isn’t mu-so. Can you not put the left hand speaker on the other side of the door?

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Unfortunately either the sofa or built-in would need to go. There is time to optimise, and it’s free (other than buying a new sofa :thinking:). Sofa is there for the nice view out of the window. I think I will try and move things around eventually? Sofa is where it is for the view, and to see across into the playroom. Sofa could move in a few years?


I ran the CDS2/CDPS for a number of years, lovely player. Tried an olive XPS twice during this time but to my lugs the former sounds better, warmer. The XPS seemed to add a digital edge to the sound.


I’d have the system on the red wall, with a smaller sofa on the left and another facing the red wall. It may be just a case of spinning the existing one through 90 degrees to achieve the same thing. You won’t believe how much better it would sound, but may need new seating to look right.


I’ll tell the wife :joy:. Although I might wait a while as she’s only just let me buy the speakers…


Just don’t tell her you called her ‘the wife’ on a public forum or you’ll be doomed forever.


North East France

Not complex, but got a pair of bean can sized caps a la hicap or 555. Much more than an xps, which cap wise is quite weedy.

Yea, it’s too formal.

‘the missus’ is better.



The Tabriz a very nice looking arm and sounds pretty damn good too. I had one for a similar period.


That explains why the caps were so costly (assuming size of cap = high cost).

Aye, I saw your Zi when you posted it was being replaced by the Vertere! I think!? How’s the new arm working out now?

That’s right. It’s going very well thank you. The waters have been slightly mudded by having to change the cartridge at the same time due to recent signs of wear, which wasn’t the original plan. The new cartridge is at a similar level to the outgoing one (Hana ML vs AT ART 9), but all the same is now it’s a new cartridge/arm combination. It’s only in 12 hours in and it’s already best I’ve ever heard in this room by a long way. So pretty happy so far! :slight_smile:

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