System Pics 2021

Islay is a beautiful place. We spent 4 lovely days there and celebrated someone’s birthday at the Ardbeg distillery with the whole day with BBQ on the beach and dinner in the evening as well.

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I really enjoyed running my CDS2 with an XPS2, which seemed like an appreciable uplift in performance over the XPS.


The CDS2 is a killer with a CD555PS.



It’s just so important to get at least close to satisfactory placement. I have Titan 808s. One was placed right in the corner of my living room. Kudos say that their speakers are pretty tolerant as to placement. That may be so but they just felt too big, too bassy for the room. On a different post I said I was on the look out for replacements. A couple of weeks ago I moved the speakers about 15 inches away from the corner in each direction. The result is I feel I have dodged a bullet - selling the speakers is unattractive and getting suitable replacements no easy task - the whole system is now in balance and listening to music a real delight. My wife’s less than positive reaction was, happily, short-lived


Ho visto che le vendi, come mai?

No changes planned for 2022 …


Yes agreed. Superb upgrade

Special 40s in grey… a man after my own heart.


I had a pair of 40s in grey. Brilliant speakers.

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MEGA :heart_eyes:

Thanks guys!

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My 2022 upgrade is already here, similar angle, different product… Warming them up right now.


My lad has built the same Land Rover ! It’s pretty complicated and cool! Love it

Beautiful! Are they in oak?

Yeah, it was the thread of the year IMO.

@Mark84 - let’s have that thread please. :sunglasses:


Show us your tools again please!!!

Yep, natural oak is the exact name.

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A21 is here!


Looks great sat there next to the LP12, how’s it sounding?
Is the LP12 straight into it or though a phono pre?

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