System Pics 2021

Hi James, oh yes the mind can be allowed to wander….:wink: Best Peter

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Very nice. Welcome in the club of small, clear, integrated systems. Enjoy it

Are they Spendor speakers?


@mij29 just sent your picks to the wife. We’re moving tomorrow and she will not have any sort of hifi rack in the house. Luckily two big alcoves that she wants done like yours. :+1:

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That’s great! The triangular recesses do give plenty of room for cable dressing, helped by strategic placement of the power supplies…

I created extra shelves in the cupboard with bits of MDF trimmed to fit and fitted with Quadraspire Q4 100mm legs at each corner. Did the same with the DIY glass shelves (10mm toughened) with more spare Quadraspire legs…

Hope it works out well for you and enjoy all the extra floor space not taken up with rack stacks! Maybe the Fraim savings can go to another box upgrade…:thinking:


Sometimes the System Pics thread just needs … a pic …


The classic CB look - very nice.

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Interesting, so did I - purchased in November 2017. I found them incredibly difficult to get right in terms of sound in a smallish room but eventually did with them 5ft apart, speaker to speaker and listening from about 7/8 feet away.


A Nait and what are the other two boxes?

Thanks! It’s 42.5 / HiCap / 110

Envious! My 42/110 also need a HiCap but sadly my choice is limited to a single rail. The search goes on…

The green light threw me on the 42.5

Also note you’ve spaced them out. You might have read I did this last night to great effect. Seems those 42’s are sensitive little things!

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I’ve owned the 42.5 / 110 from new in 1987. The HiCap is a few years older, so quite an early one. It has sockets for both single and dual 24v preamps (sorry - not intended to make you more envious :innocent:).
So often you see people using them stacked on top of each other but it really knocks them off song quite noticeably. When working properly they sound sublime and the 110 is well capable of driving difficult loads. Needs a top notch source to really show how good they are.


After repositioning them I thought that if my main system had to go for any reason then I could happily live with my 42/110 with the Node streamer. And to think I could still add a Hi-Cap and something like a Qutest DAC…


Still waiting for the new speaker with the old and office speaker now. Dynaudio Contour 1.3

And the new speaker will be



I felt exactly the same believe it or not when I got my old 1985 chrome bumper 42/110 back from servicing at German distributor musicline. I tried them with a decent digital source and my LP12 together with the SL2 and Hey Presto a lovely warmer inviting sound more valve like and they were no slouches driving the SL2. Fantastic. I do like the big system though and it is convenient for an integrated home cinema solution which is important for my wife. But… The chrome bumpers have found a home in a second system and I’m so pleased I did not sell them

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Agreed, but looks like you’ve put Baby in the corner? Are they those lovely Gales?

I was hugely surprised and impressed by the Wilson Tune Tots on the end of both a Soulution 5 series pre/power and a 552/500. Absolutely no suggestion that they were as small as they are from the soundstage. It was huge, full, rich, etc., etc. Even on full Orchestral or full on Led Zep.
A no compromise small speaker when mounted on good stands in free space.
Then again, I also love your Fact 12’s, one of very few speakers I’d consider if my Shahinian’s ever stopped working for me ( in my soon to be discovered new listening room perhaps ?) so whether there’s an improvement to be had overall in you system Peter I’m not sure.

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Guilty as charged your honour. In my defence I was trying not to let the Gales steal the limelight :innocent:

Hi KJC, really appreciate your input but to be honest I’m actually not really contemplating changing anything. My line of thought was more like wishful thinking, where you could be left with a handful of high end speakers to play with at in this case my leisure. Simply try something different, maybe marvel at subtle differences or big ones for that matter. ‘Playing’ could be a lot of fun me thinks …:partying_face: ATB Peter