System Pics 2021

Ooo, please tell :thinking: ATB Peter

Those babies are always centre stage, stunning doesn’t even come close! Rarely can there be such a jealous forum.

I used to own a lovely 69 Karmann Ghia left hand drive from California , your Gales evoke the same memory.



Does the 110 drive the Gales ok Mr.Tibbs?

In the late 70’s /early 80’s they were my first speaker with nac22/snaps/160 - loved them

I have the TTs on their dedicated isolation platform on their dedicated stands driven by my Atom with Powerline and SL speaker cable - they sound wonderful. Never regretted my investment in WA or Naim.

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Pleased to announce that this is the official Linn endorsed method of removing warps from your vinyl.


I first heard the 401s in a dealer room driven by the same amps you owned back then - and within minutes knew I had to have those speakers!

As much as I wanted the Naim amps at the same time, they had to wait until later. I ended up wasting money on other amps that just weren’t as good. Bringing home a 42.5/110 was a revelation- instantly the whole system just woke up and worked as it should. So yes, the little 110 is still delivering the musical goods all these years later :blush:


Wonderful to know that thanks

They were (still for you) a wonderful combo - Naim CB gear and Gales

Unfortunately the complete system was stolen away back then, I can still remember coming home from work to see nothing there , completely devastated . I thought to myself , bloody Australians ha ha !!

Anyway got back on the horse and purchased more Naim CB gear


My long suffering Naim dealer has located a 110 amp for me which is great news . I can use that with the 32.5 but he is also on the lookout for a good 42 or 42.5

All good fun


The 32.5 / 110 would (potentially at least) be even better than 42(.5) / 110 but not quite as good a match in how they look together - and somehow these things matter. Good luck with your search and let us know how you get on!

Updated system pic with 552 and PS now in situ.


Trying out the 250 / HC / 32.5 instead. I must say the magic of the 22 / 120 appears to be unparalleled although the soundstage is more open and more control at eye watering volumes with the 250.


That’s really high volume - at 12 o clock :roll_eyes:

How about if the pre is further from the power supply and power amp? The 250 has a bigger transformer than the 110, with potentially a greater influence.

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Hi Lewis, that looks just like my old amp from the late 1980s!

A suggestion, if I may. Are you able to swap over the 32.5 and the Hicap? At the moment, your 32.5 is sitting right over the NAP250’s large transformer. If you are able to swap it with the Hicap, away from the 250’s transformer, your amp should sound calmer and sweeter.


My ears were bleeding :laughing: The reason is the volume is adjusted using the Naim app via the UQ so it’s about right to have it at the max volume I want when it’s cranked up. Works perfectly.

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Will experiment with moving stuff about. I have it that way as the Naim logos line up on the left side. I could pop it on the next shelf and have the other two side by side on top…will give it a shot later on. I mean it sounds great don’t get me wrong, just different to my previous combo. I find with some of the ‘base model’ Naim stuff it has a certain panash that the higher end gear doesn’t have. It’s like less is more if that makes sense?

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The Qute is quite a weak source for a 32/250 and IBLs. They deserve something a lot better.

Ah I see - thank you for your explanation.

Where is your beloved LP12 ARO Lewis ?

Hiding away from your little family member perhaps :flushed:

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Well sadly that’s all I have, other than my LP12 which is not practical for daily use. The UQ works really quite well, have you tried it yourself? Personally I think it’s an underrated peice of equipment, one my my favs and most versatile!