System Pics 2021

I had to sell that dude, cash flow problems etc! It was a sad day but I don’t listen to vinyl much so it was a lot of money tied into a piece of gear I rarely used so I decided to sell it. One day I may buy another.

Hi Lewis,

I hear what you’re saying there! We had some building works last year and I packed the main system away for safekeeping. I kept our UQ and the LP12 out, connected to my Wilson Benesch Vectors, a double mullet of a system if ever there was one. And do you know what? It sounded ridiculously good! I used it for about 4 months and never failed to enjoy it. The UQ punches well above its weight, even in the company of equipment that, in theory, it should have no business being partnered with - enjoy; I certainly did.





Thanks Ian. It’s a great little product. I had it working with the power amp too at one point and that sounded great. Originally I was running it as an all in one system as intended but then had the idea to use it as a source (I think via one of the guys on here) and to be honest I haven’t looked back. It’s so convenient as it adds moderns functionality to old systems!

Not sure what else I could use a source which did the same thing but better (Spotify, dab, connection to a nas/unitiserve), maybe an NDX?

Really nice photo. :+1:

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Thanks. It’s only done on my phone but I rather liked the reflection in the picture disc of The Cure’s Faith.

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Great album too
The Cure “Faith” (1981)


It’s my favourite Cure album. I saw them in 81 when they played the animated film Carnage Visors before coming on. The soundtrack was on the cassette version of the album and is excellent.

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Oh Lewis

You have gone all digital streaming on me :cry::stuck_out_tongue:

In case you didn’t know Carnage Visors is the last track on disc 1 of the rather fine two disc CD version of Faith. Was happy to get this as I somehow lost the cassette version some years ago.

Thanks, I have it on my rip of a one disc CD. I never got around to getting the two disc version, which always looked good but somehow passed me buy. Seventeen Seconds and Faith are, to me, The Cure at their peak.


I agree; my favourite two Cure albums. They also sound great, especially the vinyl reissues from a few years back - and proof that sometimes GZ can press a really great slab of vinyl.


Haha not quite Bev! I have the old LP12 kicking about still!

Hi Lewis, have you considered trying some IsoAcoustic Gaias on your lovely speakers?

u can try an nDAC between Qute and 32.5.
Qute <-> SPDIF <-> nDAC <-> DIN Interconnect <-> 32.5
with this, the Qute doesn’t use his own préamplifier (an amplifier)
as default, u can’t change volume with Qute

Hi Lewis,

I think you might be spot on with the NDX2 hunch or even the ND5XS2, though I’m not sure DAB is an option anymore. You could maybe source a pre-loved NDX but having made the move from NDS to ND555 some months ago, I would highly recommend the new streaming platform over the older one if one of the new models is within budget.



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Lack of DAB would be the least of my worries. It sounds mediocre at best, and I very much doubt any station that uses it wouldn’t also be available over iRadio.

Completely agree; and re-reading his post, I wonder whether Lewis is confusing DAB with iRadio. I have DAB in my car and it’s useless once I’m out in the sticks and, thinking about it, still loses signal frequently and randomly, when I’m not!

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Slight update on the system- now have a pair of Neat Motive SX1’S on home demo- early days but so far so good - bass lot better than on the older Neat’s that I had borrowed from my dealer