System Pics 2022

I finally got my system mostly how I want it. Speaker placement is soooo
critical… New Cables starting to break in… damn it sounds good!


Thx! The brand of absorber feet is Hifistay from Korea.

Thx! That is picture distortion,My speakers setup is facing straight forward with little toein on the left one.

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I like your Zen style living room. Very nice. :shinto_shrine::moyai::dolls::bell:

Thanks FR. I get bothered by clutter. So my listening area is as neat and clutter free as possible


Thanks. I have never heard about this brand before. It’s interesting, but they seem to be not cheap. Is the sound improved compared to the original Spike discs from Solidsteel? I use Isoacoutics Gaia 3, which have brought an improvement Link click here.

Lovely living room and choice of the colour palette.

Indeed, the positioning of the speakers is a critical element of the system, and so is the listening position (away from the walls and the centre of the room).

I see that you used a laser telemeter to position the speakers. I bought one too. Nice little toy :wink:

Although I know we all have limits to what we can do in our living rooms, I can’t help noticing that the positioning of the table is not optimal. Ideally, the area between the speakers and the listening position should be empty. You should try it without the table. The difference is definitely not negligible.


This is my system - out of shot are Spendor A7’s.


Here’s my big system:

And the second system:


Nice AD-F660 there! I recently sold mine in a (futile) effort to cut down on the number of tape recorders I have. It was a tough choice whether to let go the 770 or the 660 as they both sound really great.


I had an adf-350 35yrs ago which was my first hifi source. I was attempting to build my first system again during lockdown but ended up with the 660 oooops! And the DDii double oooops! I might get round to the rest as they are really cheap now (Creek cas4040, Dual cs505/2, heybrook point 5) and stick it in the spare bedroom.

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Love me a good old tape deck. What vintage are those, @Richard.Dane? Based on appearance alone, I’m going to put a tenner on mid-80s.


An updated system pic, following a house move and a new (to me) pair of Sonus Faber Olympica II. The system is sounding fantastic.


Mark, you’re pretty much spot on - both these are from '83/84. Interestingly the AD-F770 remained in the UK Aiwa range for an usually long time for a Japanese consumer electronic piece of the time (most items changed annually, sometimes more than that!), right up until 1988.


Must be my eyes or the 3 glasses of white Rioja, but are your speakers toed out?

Nice system. Are the speakers Keilidhs or Kabers? Hard to judge the scale from the photo. I had a lovely pair of Keilidhs for several years.

There must be an echo in here (possibly Rioja-induced).

See posts 3834 and 3837!


Apologies if already mentioned!
Please, how do I see post numbers?

Easily done. On my iPhone, they appear in black text in a grey box towards the bottom right of my screen.

If I click on the box, it lets me scroll to a certain post number.


Ah, got it now grateful to you.

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