System Pics 2022

That looks very nice, I like the rug and the colour of blue on the wall.

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In this ‘woke’ world we live in, that could be so misread!


The continuous grain pattern. As long as you remember to stack the shelves in the right order!


Really lovely. Looking at their gallery, I think I now know where to go for my solution. Thank you for that

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That is far more attractive than the horrible ubiquitous FRAIM’s we see on this forum. Very nice indeed.


@Mark84, you’ve made the best possible decision; if you still don’t consider it’s so, you’re going to realize that it’s so shortly… Belive me, :wink: .

The room is beautiful and very bright, it only lacks, IMHO, some more personalized decoration, but time to time…

As for the system, which for me should start with speakers that get along well with the room, I also think it has to sound tremendous considering the self-powered big bass drivers and the crossover fine tunning possibilities; the rest of the drivers are an easy ride for the Nova.

Don’t look back, nor do you look at others; you’ve made a good decision, and it’s going to be evident right away.



Ooh errr missus.


Love your system, especially the Titans in black. Same as mine👍

May I ask, what speaker cables are you using, and what is that sheathing around the Powerlines?

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When Paul made mine he pointed out the effort he went to to grain match the side of each shelf. I am very happy with mine. I’m interested in your comment on risers - did Paul also make those for you? I am wondering in case I ever upgrade to something like an Arcam A49 that would not fit in the current shelf spacing.

Welcome back in the club of one box systems. It looks very nice with your impressive speakers. Sometimes I will test the Nova too…. but I have 2 studying children and other hobbies too…. At the moment I have Uniti Atom and have added some parts to improve it. It sounds very nice too. Enjoy your wonderful system and the music.


Very good setup. This is very living room friendly and the colours with the carpet are very impressive and nice. Thanks for sharing and enjoy.

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Thanks. Running in a freshly factory serviced 252 (two weeks) and NDX2 (4 weeks) at the moment.

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Thanks and yeah I love the black Titans, I think they match nicely with the Naim boxes.

I’m using the Kudos KS-1 cable. In all honesty I didn’t compare it with anything else but it seemed a safe bet and sounds wonderful to my ears. What are you wiring yours with?

The sheathing is just a cheap cable tidy. When my cat was still a kitten and teething not long ago he took a liking to cables so it’s simply there for protection. I could take it off now really.

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That rug really ties the room together :grinning:


Yes Paul made them. I bought them after the main rack and they sit between the bottom shelf and the base level. I felt they were worth having for future proofing, I’d hate to be forced to part with the rack because I outgrew it.


How are you enjoying the Sonus Fabers? I found them to be a very good match with Naim…


Makes me want to play some Creedence

Thanks for the reply - are they from fashioned from (matching?) wood or something else? They sound like the sort of thing I had in mind - to sit between the base and the side support for the next shelf.

Yes, obviously the grain won’t match up but mine are made from the same veneer as the shelves.

Mine are packed away but here’s a pic Paul sent me showing how they work

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Thanks great thanks - just what I had in mind. Good to know that the option is there. My rack is cherry so I might ask for cherry or possibly a satin black as it would match the Arcam/Naim components and the colour combination of the Lenco GL75 turntable.

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