System Pics 2022

Very nice,What version are your LV,s?

The latest Avatar R4. Very happy with them.

I’m surprised that such an investment in high quality sound isn’t reflected in the placement of speakers. I wonder if the owner has ever experimented or is just constrained by the room?


He’s certainly finding out how good those Fraims are with half the bass drivers firing right into them but not how good he NBLs are, and active too. I used to have a couple of stacks between NBLs due to space constraints but not close. I can only guess as to the whys of it.

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Yes I was thinking exactly that, far from ideal speaker placement. I guess it must be constraints in the room. I’ve never liked equipment between the speakers and wouldn’t set a system up that way personally. But who am I to judge, as long as they are happy that’s all that matters. Have a great Christmas :evergreen_tree: everyone.


Testning out a new power cable from a Local hifi vendor in Sweden. The store has been around for decades and they have now introduced their own range of cables. It really is promising I must say.

Anyway sitting here recovering from Covid. It’s cold indoors since temperatures dropped to minus 15 centigrade this morning.



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If I tried to show my wife the intricacies of the Core’s workings she would be wishing for an instant relapse!

(Hope yours is home fit and well soon)

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Well color me impressed. Didn’t realize you knew about them. Have you tried any of them.

Social media Lucifer! :wink: Haven’t tried them or read about anyone else doing so so look forward to hear your impression :+1:

Yes of course. I’m the one that haven’t seen or heard anything about them till a week ago when my dealer lent me this power cable to try out. I guess I’m a bit off grid when it comes to these things.

Nice setup, great album and I really like your avatar, so true :blush:

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A most sensible and satisfying place to be!


Combination of room, WAPF, and other factors. Have had many arrangements in the past, including active briks driven by a 6-pack of 135s with nothing between the speakers and the electronics 5 m away, SBLs with 4x135 in same arrangement, then 2x300 (DR and non DR) then room reorganisation (consolidation on equip into part of room and speakers now placed to fire across room width and not down length, moving of LP and CD collection into another room of house) then too good to be true offer of active NBLs, followed by move from quadraspire to Fraim, all with compromises along the way. Yes sound may be compromised, but even as it is now, far superior to previous issues with bass or quality of base, and given various constraints and experimentation with speaker location, currently the best of all options.
Another point to make, virtually all pieces were purchased pre-loved over time, only new pieces were the Solstice SE, SNAXO3-6-2, and the some of the 555PS’s for the NDS. Definite benefit to have a great dealers who call when great trades come in so can get well cared for equip at a great price.


Red, green & white/chrome!

Happy Christmas everyone


First photo of the “main” system since moving into the man cave - a WiP but sounding nice


That looks very interesting
Great photo. Thanks for sharing.
Do share more when you can


Hope you get better soon, I had very bad fatigue issues , lasted about a month.

Take care


Where are the speakers?

A last tuneful evening with the music radio before Christmas.