System Pics 2023

Newly added PS Audio Stellar Phono, I like it a lot.


I got one imported 2 yrs ago. A Kakelugn from Gabriel. It’s so good, I’d get it even at double the price.

Sorry, not really a system pic, but it contains two Ovators.


The result of a big slim down exercise and rejuvenation:

Gone the tuner, turntable and phono. And the pre! (Sold the old naim classic stack of 252/supercap dr/300dr/superline/HiCap dr/NAT02)

Get a small rack from Audio Bastion to hold my switch, Roon ROCK and LPS (at the corner)

Now this system is of unisource - Roon only

Now having dcs Rossini APEX+Clock, set at 2 or 6V driving directly the new 350 monoblocs. Retaining the Uniticore but merged all my collections on a 8TB SSD (finally very affordable!), so also ditched the QNAP silent NAS as well.

Results? I love it if I can live without LP. Perhaps one day add back a passive pre. Will I consider a 332+300? Maybe. If one day I am deciding to move on from dcs, but not now. The new APEX analog output stage reli is this good rendering the pre obsolete (imho)


Now, that fireplace!



What an impressive system, enjoy. And I see you kept the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Concert Grand speakers. I can imagine that they sound wonderful in the new environment. I also still have my small system with the Vienna Acoustics Haydn, but now in a separate listening room with room acoustics treatment and dedicated mains. It was a big step forward for me (Click here). And I also wonder why a purely analogue preamplifier with numerous inputs is necessary when only digital sources are used…

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Newbie here: I just bought a Nova and very happy with it, still looking at trading up to the 222 and 250 combo, just unsure yet. Very impressed with how the Nova sounds, especially when I haven’t had a Naim piece in my system for many years. I use Dynaudio Confidence C2’s Platinums and SF Serafino’s and some my favorite new Monitor called the Spark by Audio Physic…


Most excellent set up and room!


Lovely system. May I ask what you have under your speakers and system?


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Looks painful

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Extremely habitable looking room!


Hi Garman, good to see you posting on the Naim forum. You will find the people much friendlier here.:grin:
To keep with the system pics, here are a few of mine. Today I moved the P1 and Nagra onto the TV rack, nothing fancy, but hey it still sounds great.


No quarter: Sweet looking system, ironically never thought I would be gravitating back to Naim but love the sound and the new looks even though the Nova been out for a while as you stated. Might scale up to the 222 and 250, unsure yet as I am liking what I have. I just wish they would allowed to run a third party DAC and or HDMI would be nice on equipment this expensive. I hope all is well with you!

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Gato DIA-400s Int., Luxman 509x and Naim Nova and Aqua LaVoce etc… for equipment and various different speakers for now… SF Serafino’s, Spark by Audio Physic and Dynaudio C2 and some Maggies not pictured. Guys been talking about Naim for years on another forum and took a leap of faith back into some Naim equipment after hearing it finally, and love what I heard. But what I don’t get why they left off HDMI on the 222 or the NSS 333, doesn’t make sense if you’re spending this much. :wink: I heard 222 and 250 recently as well, and that maybe in the cards soon as I just dumped a bunch of equipment I wasn’t using. Some great looking rooms on this thread!


That’s not surprising it’s happened to me as well, I once got criticised for not stating why I was playing. There’s a few members that don’t even supply artist/album nobody says anything to them. Best to just shrug it off and keep playing unfortunately some people are just bullies.


I’ll be honest Pete, I’m considering how much I want to actually continue to contribute/participate in the forum at the moment.
I am following still, but I’m not contributing at the moment.
I will make a decision about my continuing participation during this week.


Keep spinning, keep posting. Don’t let the buggers get you down!


Is this human legs or monkey legs…i don`t understand the first picture



I edited the picture so the member’s room and system weren’t visible…

It’s just a joke about legs and feet and hifi, no great depth or meaning at all - apart from my puzzling over the never-ending pics of feet, legs, thighs, socks, slippers etc that seem to be de rigeur in the System Pics thread. An (apparently) Forum joke I just don’t understand.


Bullies on forums only, face to face, probably whimps :rofl::rofl: