System Pics 2023

That’s a great looking thing! Was the speaker built into the same unit as the turntable!? And is the other unit the other speaker of the stereo pair?

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Yes, exactly.


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What cartridge do you use with the ARO Mario?


Looks like a Linn Krystal

Yep Linn Krystal.

Get the Kandid Mario :crazy_face::crazy_face:

I previously had the Krystal on my ARO

Kandid kills it , well worth the money :+1:


More info. It’s a Garrard turntable and it’s quite well reviewed I see.



Finally found a use for my Naim Aro. I frend have it on loan for a longer time. He is happy with it.


Its alot more expensive, but it sounds like deminising returns are not a factor with that move forward.

Ever hear the Kendo Bevo??

Hello everyone,

new owner of a used Naim NAIT 5Si integrated amp, I would like your opinion on what the seller told me about the amp: all Naim amps do a “speaker pop” when turned on (by design for sound quality reasons, power supply/electrical related), he also told me that the loudness of the pop is relative to the sensitivity of the speakers. My speakers are high sensitivity DIY speakers of 99 db, I am a little worried that the pop might damage my speakers.

Would love your thoughts about this. Speaker shown behind amp, going to be my first proper stereo setup with a DAC connected to my PC.


Most Naim amps do a pop on startup.
Although on my Supernait 3 it’s very minimal.
Best to follow Naim advice for reliable performance and leave on 24/7
It’s always ready for action and stable.
However it makes sense to disconnect during lightning etc.
Or long absences. :+1:t2:


I have 97db speakers and my Nait2 doesn’t scare me when it “pops”. My Nova doesn’t “pop”.

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Unrelated to your question, but I’m interested in diy speakers. Would you be willing to share a bit about the design and/or the build?

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The speaker is called DIYSG Titan-615LX, it is a three-way speaker with a 15" woofer, 6,5" midrange and a compression driver in a horn waveguide. It was really just put it together and paint, since the cabinets came as a flat pack and I bought the crossovers pre-assembled, so it is possible for a novice to build their own speakers.


I was about to ask the same question :grinning:

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Do you hear a loud “pop up” sound while switching between sources, also when muting/ unmuting?

I have actually not hooked up the amp yet to my speakers, still waiting for my DAC to come. I did email Naim support about the pop and received a great answer from Duncan:

"It is perfectly normal, and will not damage your speakers.

The pop you are hearing, is a micro discharge from on board storage capacitors. There will be a minute amount of energy lost when you start up a system, and again when you power down. This translates to the affectionately known “Naim thump”, and this is what you’re hearing.

It’s perfectly safe, please don’t worry."


Haven’t heard the Kendo Mario

I must ask my dealer , I’ll let you know

It’s not unique to Naim, my Roksan Attessa does it on Shut Down too.