System Pics 2023

When I checked yesterday I was just using my iPhone. I checked again today with a proper spirit level and they were both wonky, especially the switch. So thanks to you and @omegaman for pointing it out. It’s not barrel distortion, it’s my DIY incompetence. Thanks to you two, they really are now level. I even kept the level in place as I tightened them up.


I didn’t mean to criticise it was just it looked different from the usual fastidiousness.
When I’ve taken a picture of my system it always looks like I’ve got lots of toe out on the speakers but I don’t. :thinking:

Not a problem! I did wonder about them anyway, and thought it might be my new varifocals. This spurred me into action.

Good pun mains Spurred into action.
Varifocals are great custom but can makes things weird.
:rofl: :+1:t2:

Saw what you did there HH!

Good work I’m a plasterer by trade I make sure all socket back boxes and fronts are level and clean. Especially with more expensive nickel finish ones

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Just look at it now. More level than a very level thing.


Looks great from that angle. :+1:t2:


Looking very smart HH - enjoy :blush:

Learning we are jedi

Neil can I ask please, how do you find the sound quality? And have you tried at low volume?

The sound quality is superb, everything we chase as audiophiles. I do listen to it at lower volume levels quite often as I live in a sleepy village. Even at low levels the sound stage is wide and accurate, bass present and fast and top end perfectly in place.

I play everything from classical to rock, dance to vocalists and there is nothing that phases the system. With vocalists for instance you have a wide stage, realistic (in the room ) performances with micro details very present. I’ve heard details in music that I haven’t heard before and the movement of air with instruments that isn’t audible in lesser systems. Even the bass has a fine texture!

I haven’t mentioned the mids, again nothing bad to say about them. They perform!

There is only one downside, due to my room being double story, hard surfaced and with a pitch ceiling. I’ve had to put in quite a bit of acoustic treatment to get the the RT60 time down to low levels. This system can put out a lot of energy and with massive headroom when needed.


New arrival yesterday time for an updated system pic


Agree! I preferred the LS 8/5 in a bigger listening room. But in my living space the slots on the 5/5 made this speaker work better in my specific room environment. So a lot depends on many different factors, of wich the room specifics are an important one

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I have moved my system. Here is the last picture of my living room and the first of my new listening room with new Fraim Lite.

The living room has no audio system at the moment. May be I will add a Muso2 for better TV sound and music there.


Great to have a dedicated listening room. :+1:t2:
I don’t like seeing systems near radiators. :scream:
I’m sure it’s a workaround. :+1:t2:

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That also makes me very nervous. Where I live, we don’t have radiators – but being the lightning capital of the U.S., we have other problems.


Why do you think the radiators are a problem?

1 Heat.
2 Cable dressing
3 Regs “ You need to make sure you have an air gap, idealy 50mm, between the c.h. pipe and the cable.“
Nothing will happen legally until something goes wrong then insurance doesn’t pay out.
My mate is a fire investigator. :wink:

Thanks. At the moment it is summertime in Switzerland and the radiators are cold. The distance to the system is 200 mm at the moment and an air gap to cables of 50 mm is possible. A possibility would be to move the system to the side wall, but the speaker cables are to short for that.

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