System Pics 2023

The joys of domestic compromise. :roll_eyes:
You should be fine then.
Hope you don’t need into the radiator for anything soon.
Moving the system for access. :scream: :+1:t2:

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Might be worth sharing that bit of information with the rest of the forum some people maybe affected without realising :+1:

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Hi Thanks for that.
I usually get shredded trying to help because people believe in witchcraft instead so I just drop them in and if the right person gets it then so be.
I can’t believe the amount of free real info I give but gets taken the wrong way.
:sunglasses: :+1:t2:


I can just about visualise through all the clutter that there is a nice setup hiding behind :wink:

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I finished up the new media cabinet last week and got everything back in place.


Beautiful cabinet and system! I love the simplicity of it all, and I am sure it sounds fantastic! Well done!


It is the little bench on the left hand side that I like (not that the cabinet is not impressive)…


So does my grandson!


Hopefully your Rp6 has an acrylic cover, as your grandson sits very very near of the turntable.

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Probably an RP6 down the road, but for now it’s the RP3.
The bench only sits there when he’s not here. Otherwise, we move it away from the temptations.

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II don’t doubt. Was more a joke observation. Elegant looking system, congrats :+1:

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Playing around with the Innuos Pulse mini.

The game may be afoot!


Hi @nicnaim
Nice “System Pic” :+1:

Do share how you get on with the Innous PM. That’s all interesting info’…


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Will do. Just hooked it up last night. It’s surprisingly adept. Have it feeding the HugoTT.

I don’t expect it to be as good as the NDX2 which is a fantastic transport but is overkill for just background music and exploring new artists.

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What’s the metal rods sticking up on the top shelf of the Fraim?

Screen Shot 2023-07-04 at 16.22.40

I think it’s to keep the glass from going side ways. I bought all the Fraim used.

It’s the only shelf level that has it.

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Ah, a DIY job from the previous owner…

It could be turned upside down and used at the bottom, depending on whether the legs have left marks of course.

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I don’t think so. If I remember correctly the box and was marked as the top level.

I think HH’s idea would be best if you wish to restore it to standard appearance.

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