System Pics 2023

I wouldn’t borrow money from anyone who’d lend to someone like me anyway. :grin:


Ha ha

The Duke of Richmond and Gordon is a Naim fan. :+1:t2:


The amp looks well off balance too. :face_with_monocle:


She’ll react in shock & horror when the stacking police break the door down!



The Duke of Richmond is the owner of the Goodwood Estate, where the Revival meeting is held each year.


Whilst the floor is being replaced in the Conservatory/Media Room in the early part of this week, the Keilidh’s have made the short journey back down to the Cabin.
There has been several “suggestions” by members of this community, that my Evokes are the weak link in my system.
I didn’t want to believe this, but after just 20 minutes of the Keilidh’s pulling the duty in less than ideal circumstances, it would appear that I was wrong.
The acoustic energy in the space is so much better controlled and absolutely no bass issues.
PMC Twenty5.23i’s will be the first to be tested in a couple of weeks time🤔


Well, no surprises there :joy:. I think white speakers would be ideal in your media room though :wink:



White Kudos 606s I bet will sound fabulous and look great

I really don’t like them.
I’ve heard 606’s in a number of different setups and spaces and never fully engaged with them.
I recently heard a pair of Cardea Super C20A’s and thought they were very nice. I’m just not sure how they would sound in the cabin with the downward pointing Bass Port and my wooden floor…:thinking:
The PMC ATL configuration has a much better chance of delivering a full and cohesive sound I think, but not rushing into anything. :face_with_peeking_eye:


That’s why we have lots of options thankfully so many different variations in setups, rooms and how we hear. Good luck on your search.

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Give the Kudos a go and keep good brit synergy in the cabin.
I’ve got X3s on a wooden floor and no adverse effects of bass if any better than horizontally ported ones especially rears. :+1:t2:
The smaller size really compliments the space too.

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Might be a different sound signature (and they don’t seem massively popular around here), but if you’re at the 606 level in terms of price and performance, the b&w 804 d4 might also be worth a listen, and b&w are running a 20% off with any trade in speakers until end of sept I think.

Yeah, I’m aware of the B&W Trade-In Offer, problem is I absolutely hate them🫣
I did have a short listen to a pair of 805D4 and I’m sorry to say that that is 20 minutes of my life I’ll never get back…:rofl:


Fair enough! I haven’t heard them, although I know that my dealer rates them.

But it’s your money and your ears! Best of luck.

Fwiw, I disliked every B&W speaker I heard in N any room and system for over about a decade. Despite my prejudice, we tried them against PMC Twenty 5.24s and Neat Xplorers - using 252/SC/300DR even though I actually use a 52 at home.

In the shop, the PMCs became party speakers when the volume was turned up, while the B&Ws imaged remarkably but sounded they might be a bit over- intense. In my house, the B&Ws were best (to my mild disappointment), and the only issues (bouncy wooden floor bass and a bit beam-y ) were 100% fixed with Isoacoustic Gaias and fine-tuning position.

I have since heard 805D4s in a much brighter room with ‘only’ 282/ 250, and didn’t much like them.

Your ears will overrule secondhand opinions, but it can be worth checking these things in your own system and room if you have the chance.


Sorry to hear about that. My dad went through prostate cancer three times and survived each time. It wasn’t that that got him in the end so I wish you some of his fortune in that regard.

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