System Pics 2023

Hi @QuickSticks

I didn’t see the post that ripped into one of your favourite recordings - that’s way out of order.

There are some contributors who seem to think we aren’t allowed to enjoy certain types of music only because they don’t. To me, this is a childish and selfish attitude to inflate egos, and conveniently ignores others right to make their own choices.

What I have seen here, is your genuine enthusiasm and interesting contributions to the listening thread, (and in other corners of the Forum too), and I would simply say, that I want to continue to read more.

Best Regards


Agreed. I always take notice of @QuickSticks ‘what I’m playing’ reviews. I’ve discovered some great music.


Suck it up man, we need as many Rush fans here as we can get, to test and compare our systems with some proper work outs :+1:


I for one enjoy your posts re your system and the music you listen to…perhaps I should post more often…but having moved some of our system away from Naim , I felt that my posts may not be seen as valid by some on here.
Don’t give up …don’t let the keyboard warriors win!
All the best …Steve w.


@QuickSticks exactly right :+1:




I haven’t read the post that you are referring to QuickSticks but hopefully they have been red carded and thrown out of the Forum for good

This is no place for that kind of behaviour


I love free jazz - it’s been described on here (quite funnily I thought) as sounding like “a fire in a petshop”…and I’ve lost track over the years of how many times people have dissed The Doors, here a little but mostly face to face - “pretentious rubbish” " Morrison’s a total prat " etc.

Or indeed Trout Mask Replica…or Yoko…

I think disagreement over music loves and choices is fine. Quite healthy, in fact. No reason to throw in the towel over someone not loving an album.

However, diss Ese and The Vooduu People and I’ll be round! LOL. But that’s very different - they’ve become friends.


No it’s happened before with no consequences. Some members are teflon.


Seriously? Members should be thrown off the Forum? For what, exactly? It would be a very empty, self-satisfied and dull place if that prevails…

I also don’t know what sparked this, and I’m assuming we’re not talking personal attacks here, just a contrary and negative view of a member’s favourite album if I’ve understood correctly.


No I guess some like to think their opinions carry more weight than others, but really people have to remember they’re just opinions and we all know about opinions.


Hey @QuickSticks There are very few on here whose posts I stop at and read properly while catching up on a thread. You are one of them (In fact there are only three at the moment the other two are @NickofWimbledon and @Dan_M). What you are doing with your system is far more interesting to me than 90% of what else goes on here. It would be a shame to allow one idiot to make this a lesser forum. Anyway, you need to do what is right for you.

Hopefully, I can look forward to an update on your Sub. :wink:


I don’t think I could have seen the offending post, but if it was just being critical of one’s musical choices, then surely that’s typical banter between friends. I remember at school getting into arguments with my friends about who was the best Beatle or why I preferred the Who to the Rolling Stones or how I could possibly like Caravan etc. Sometimes such arguments could get quite heated, but we were still friends. We still exchanged records and discussed them on and on between classes or over lunch. Musical taste shouldn’t be a reason for someone to be evicted or for the offended party to withdraw. It’s just banter, opinions. I reckon it’s time to chill out and put a record on, but best not death metal.


Friends is different. Like family. Growing a thicker skin certainly helped me in my career dealing with rude and inconsiderate idiots. Looking back though I wish it hadn’t been necessary.


That’s a nice, simple setup with the streamer and amp. Looks like the Nagra is working out well :+1:

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@QuickSticks , hope you decide to stay on the forum, I actually tried some Rush the other day off the back of your posts. It wasn’t my bag, but that’s fine, your enthusiasm led me to give it a go.


Aren’t we all friends on here? Anyway, here’s a picture of my LP12, circa 2015, to lighten the mood. The build is Linn walnut plinth, steel top plate, Cirkus bearing, Kore, Aro, Troika. I think the power supply at that time was Akurate Radikal with Urika 1. Apart from the Aro and Urika, everything mentioned there has since been changed.

It looks like my old NDS on the shelf below. That too has since gone.


I also didn’t see the offending post @QuickSticks but I agree with @Clive that if it was disagreeing about your choice of album as opposed to a personal attack then you should just ignore it.
I personally enjoy your posts and have even learned the correct order certain Rush albums should be played.
Best wishes. Graham

My favourite bit of kit. No not the switch.


I would say the same. Thanks for being friend even I’m from the other part of the world.


Dear QuickSticks,

I was disappointed to hear that some of your experiences on the forum have made you consider leaving.

Like others who have written recently, I am alerted more to the comments of some contributors than others and yours is one of the names which says “Read this, Brian”, regardless of the thread topic. For me, there are only five or six people in this category and it would be sad if you left us.

I think that one of the filters through which we should read all posts is the time of day where/when the writer created their post. I suspect that, on quite a few occasions, posts are written in the evening, without due consideration and, possibly fuelled by a glass or two of wine. I seem to recall being told that one of the first effects of alcohol is to depress our inhibitions and, in this case, that could include the writer’s level of tolerance and courtesy. It’s probably better not to see these people as bullies - idiots, possibly, but not bullies! As others have said, in real life, these people probably wouldn’t dream of being so critical.

Please stick with it Quicksticks.

Best wishes,

Brian D.