System Pics 2023

Lovely retro look Clive I haven’t seen that one.
Wouldn’t recognise it now sans “ Aro “ :+1:t2:

The Aro is here to stay, Jim, that’s for sure. I’m not sure it’ll change from its current configuration (allowing for a replacement Kandid when the time comes), but I would like to hear my current spec built on a Stiletto, just to see. I am hopeful that Peter might get a 50th anniversary model so that we see how that fares against a Stiletto Klimax model.

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Agreed, throwing someone off the Forum simply because they don’t like an album seems rather excessive.

However, I think if you post an album and someone replies with something along the lines of “that’s a load of rubbish, I don’t know how anyone could possibly listen to it” then it does become slightly personal as it mocks another’s choices and listening enjoyment. If I posted every time I didn’t like some of the music posted on the “what are you listening to now” thread I’d be there for a good while! Why bother go to the effort just to write with such negativity, the Forum is supposed to be a friendly and welcoming place for all users.

I’ve picked up so much new music here over the years, I’d hate to think that people wouldn’t post their choice of what they enjoy listening to for fear of repercussions.


Linn LP12, with Aro and Troika…
Absolutely beautiful :heart_eyes:

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A note of gratitude to;

@SimonDC @Pete_the_painter @GeoffC @BrianD @igahman @Adam1 @Paul52135 @Clive @Blackstar @ratrat (10 user limit of naming users reached…)
…and any others I missed, although if you have offered an olive branch and not been mentioned, there may be a reason.

I have been staggered by the outpouring of support and good wishes from all of you and although I am not seeking this kind of reaction it is heartening to receive it.

As I said previously, I have severed all ‘Social Media’ and ‘News Media’ connections some time ago. I joined this forum a year ago, when I started my Naim journey and wanted to seek the knowledge and camaraderie in those of like minds. I still want to continue that connection and it was so nice to hear that so many enjoyed/welcomed my involvement.

I will remain and as suggested, ignore the comments of those who feel it necessary to say the things that they should very clearly keep to themselves.

With thanks, Simon (real name)


A few extra names for the above post…
@Stevew @Mike_S @Lowdene @Isca_Dumnoniorum @NickofWimbledon


Great that you’re sticking around cos I need to improve my Rush collection! Only got “A Farewell to Kings” and “The Spirit Of Radio: Best Of”
:+1: :wink: :rofl:


That’s wonderful news Simon. I personally would have very much missed your regular and always enlightening posts .



Good news, all the best Simon.


@Quicksticks The Best News Of The Day, happy to read this Simon. :+1:


Don’t buy any is the simple answer. Honestly can anyone appreciate really Geddy Lee screeching away like that. He should stick to a pure bass guitar contribution and that’s it.

That said each to their own and I hope no one considers my post as an attack. I just don’t like rush that’s all

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I hope you continue to enjoy Rush Simon.
You should definitely back up your ‘A Farewell To Kings’ album with ‘Hemispheres’ as they have to be played consecutively :wink:
…and for any who are curious, I really like Geddy’s voice!


Same here. With. A 3 octave range back in the day, it seemed that he could do anything he wanted with it. If anyone doubts his talent, try singing along in your own natural singing voice. He will run rings around most. Oh, and he played bass and keyboards while he was at it.
However, I’ve always accepted there are those out there who don’t like his voice.


Stick with it.
Many more like minded that feel the same :wink:

All the best.


Hemispheres in basket!

Is this worth a punt? Its less than 20 Quid!

Or should I start at the beginning?

Cheers mate


la villa strangiato
:wink: :+1:t2:


Bargain! Is that CD or Vinyl?
Feedback is the only ‘questionable’ album in their catalog for me, but it doesn’t count as it’s covers😉

Hi James, yes the Nagra is sounding very good. I have been playing it with my TV sound going through it, just to get hours on the amp.
As everyone knows, it is tough to just stop upgrading, so who knows if I can resist the urge, but for now I am quite happy.
I may try just buying a thick rug to throw on that hardwood floor next.

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Exactly Mark. The very point I was making.

CD on the river - order placed

Thanks Mate