System Pics 2023

Don’t worry so much about others opinions it’s your gaff. :+1:t2:


Well, I took the advice and moved them to the back, I then listened to my whole demo playlist.
The result was the Mids became muddier, the Highs became to edged and intrusive and the Bass dropped away with the Rel obviously having to move further into the room.
I did enjoy the extra space, but not the resultant sound.
Thank you to all who made suggestions, but I will be changing it back now to the way I like it. :slightly_smiling_face:


:+1: Isn’t experimentation fun!

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:man_shrugging:t4: :man_facepalming:t4:
Normal service has resumed😊


I had Isobariks up until fairly recently and I actually found they were better about 2ft away from the back wall, although the side walls were only slightly further away so would also have been giving bass re-inforcement

Difficult to beat that for sheer style.

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I love that Lion artwork. Such a strong focal point.


I’ve pruned and tidied up a bit.

Here’s the system I’ve been listening to while on the train - AK380 and Sennheiser PX100s.

Have a lovely evening.



Thanks Richard, have a lovely evening too. Best wishes, Dan


Thanks @Richard.Dane, I’m sorry if I was the cause of another storm in a teacup.
I honestly didn’t intend for there to be any unpleasantness.


As ever Richard…class👍


That looks and reads better Richard. Thanks.

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Dear mikebu,

Thanks for the answer.

I had never thought of moving the Isobariks and I’m fairly happy with the sound. The other consideration, of course, is their weight. Mine are on spikes on a wooden floor and, as I’m on my own here, the thought of moving them is rather off-putting!

What have you used to replace them and how did you find the change?

Best wishes,

Brian D.


Very nice.

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PX100! I loved mine before it broke.


I’ve now got Kudos Titan 707’s. My mate had 808’s but they were beyond my budget but a pair of 707’s came up on an auction site and I took a flyer on them. I figured it would need to be something of the Kudos’s level of quality to be significantly better than the Isobariks and so it proved (thankfully).

Regarding the spikes I have mine on Naim Fraim Chips and I find I can actually slide the speakers about without damage to the floor.

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That looks very special to my eyes :wink:

Thanks Dan_M – particularly coming from a man with a set-up like yours!

Brian D.

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Those Isobariks are sensational. You have wonderful system Brian.

…but, bearing in mind, that the speakers were designed, tested and developed in a room, presumably in this case close to the wall.