System Pics 2023

Tiny speakers, one box of Naim, not even a proper rack. Nothing to upgrade. What to do? Ah yes, just enjoy it.


I had Kabers, passive and active, close to and away from wall. Never did they produce enough bass.


Thanks Dan_M,

There are plenty of electronics upgrades which I have considered, but with the Isobariks, there are two issues. Firstly, they are so old that their re-sale value is much less than their worth, if you see what I mean and secondly, the upwards facing midrange and tweeters give a wonderful soundstage which might not be possible with more conventionally-oriented drivers. What do you (and others) think?

Brian D.

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The best way @HungryHalibut. Life would be so much simpler that way…

I would leave the speakers. The 250 is all good. What do you stream? From NAS or apps. If you’re happy with it all, what is it lacking, if anything?


Acknowledged, indeed.

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I don’t get the opportunity to listen to many (any!) other systems, so I can’t really say that I’m aware of my system lacking much. Like so many others, every time I listen to it, I get lots of pleasure from it.

At the moment I only use Spotify, internet radio through the 272 and plenty of CDs and I am obviously aware that the CDs sound better - by far. I live in deepest rural Frace and I haven’t yet invested in fibre although it is now in my village. The ADSL is pretty good, but perhaps that and a better streamer are the obvious up-grades.

Brian D.

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If it all works like you want then there is no need to change anything at all.

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Just have it as you had before, if it worked well before and you were happy with it then do that. You don’t have much room to manoeuvre unless you put the racks somewhere else to the side, but tbh, it looks great how you had it before.

With my system I had the space in the room to move speakers further apart. And mine are designed to be out in the room more.

It’s not always possible to achieve an optimal position of speakers, given room constraints.

You have a gorgeous syatem to be very proud of. Just listen to the music and enjoy all your upgrades.

You have made a lot of changes in a short space of time.

Relax and enjoy the sounds!


@QuickSticks please do the decent thing and reply to someone who was genuinely trying to help you. Thanks.

My thoughts exactly.


The only other thing you can do is move the racks to get the Kelidhs closer to the wall. The way you have the room with the artwork and racks and speakers it all looks so good. I am not sure I would be prepared to move it all around.

I moved my racks to the side wall, but it’s totally different set up.

When I had Kelidhs I had them out in the room slightly, maybe 60cm. They sounded very musical. I liked them very much but wanted more power!

You can always change the speakers at some point. But if you’re happy and system sounds good then leave it be.

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Maybe we should start a thread, what was the last bit of gear that you didn’t buy


Go for it Mr Mtuttleb. Set it up!

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Sorry Christopher, I didn’t see your post. It all got a bit nuts this afternoon and then I got busy.
Given the dimensions and layout of the room, turning it around doesn’t really work.
In fairness, I don’t have a problem with my layout or sound, so it’s going back to the way it was and I’m very happy with it.


All good here Dan.
It’s back the way I like it and sounding wonderful.


Thanks for replying.

Mr Tibbs,

I still love those Gales. If I had the opportunity to have another system, I’d look out for some of those. Class! Just class!

Brian D.