System Pics 2023

It’s a very good question that I simply don’t have a real answer for.
The removals men got it in and abraded the leather on the back in the process…:man_shrugging:t2:

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The PX200s are pretty good although I have to admit I much prefer the original PX100s - they are like a sort of mini portable HD600 in many ways - smaller scale, less bandwidth and less resolving (although much easier to drive!), but with a similar feel and voice.


My sofa came into the house before the house the house was plastered. The sofa was wrapped in plastic, the handrail by the stairs and the hallway light were removed to get it in. Still it barely fitted and only because we weren’t worried about the plastering.

Half way through it was stuck in the hallway and to this day don’t quite understand how they managed to get it around the corner into the room. And I like to think I have quite good spatial insight.

It won’t be leaving the house (or even the room) in one piece. We’re thinking of redoing the floor at some point, might have to hang it from the ceiling!



Once had a sofa delivered - had to take the first floor window out and used a climbing rope from 3rd floor window to lift and get it in…



This SOFA diversion could be the new RUSH debacle…


Sofa so Good :wink:


One Naim missing in action.

NDX2 lost right channel. It has left the building for repair.:sob:


I have a pair of Sennheiser PX 200 - II 'phones, but the white plastic on the earpads and headband has perished, and I can’t see how it could be replaced. It’s a great shame, as they were a considerable improvement on the earbuds supplied with my Sony Walkman D-EJ2000 CD player.

Bummer - always a sad day when audio gear has a problem like that. My Marantz receiver is back in the shop again, so I feel your pain.

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My px100-II are still going strong - headband pads gone, but so light not an issue. I bought replaceable foam pads for the drivers…slip them over the whole thing

Well, it does kind of fit with the previous Lamp theme so there is a prescedent.

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Those look great with that stone wall :+1:

In some countries sofas, beds, etc are routinely delivered through apartment windows which are designed appropriately. It was the only way of getting large furniture in and out of my apartment on the Belgian coast at Oostduinkerke.

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The whole story is halfway through one of my topics:

Upgrade advice 52 or 552 or Radikal 1 Urika upgrade to Lp12

It went through next doors garden, over the fence, through patio doors of conservatory, through kitchen and into living room.

So I had a skip anyhow and then sawed the sofa into small bits. Took an hour of ripping with a knife and sawing up.

Then I went to Midlands, picked up Sopra 2s in van and drove back and installed speakers. 55kg each apparently!


Here is sofa being dismantled!


Apartment in Brussels was the same. I don’t think even the lobby was large enough to take a small two seater, let alone the lift or fire escape style, stairs.

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And of course not having the sofa has meant bigger speakers and Three Stacks of Fraim, better acoustics and so on. I now have one sofa.


Picture of my latest music system being delivered