System Pics 2023


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Iā€™ve not used the PX100s, but just had a look at a couple of other forums. Opinion on which is best seems to be split, but generally coming down on the side of the PX100s.

For future reference or for others thinking of doing the same,
turn sofa upside down
remove base cloth
look up inside arms , see bolts holding arm to body and remove them
remove the arms
everything (3 pieces) will now fit through doors

Itā€™s a 20 minute job. Sorry you had to do it the hard way, but it is more fun.


I think replacements are available from sennheiser or you might find some looky likeys from another market place - this it what I did a few years agoā€¦

Is that why it is called a 3 piece sofa? :rofl:


Danā€™s is in more than three pieces now, it is in Sofa heaven! @Dan_M iā€™m impressed with your dismantling skill. I usually really like DIY speaker projects, but you have hit on something here that also reaps SQ improvementsā€¦.impressive :+1:


I better post a system pic before I get shouted at:
White and green together in harmony :thinking:


I have gone from three piece sofa to 3 stack Fraim. A true story. Guests and my children now need to sit on :rofl: floor if there is no room on existing sofa or stand


Just need to get some bean-bagsā€¦ :grinning:

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Great Hi Fi but sitting on the bones of our arse. :roll_eyes: :grimacing:


Indeed. I did consider an armchair but with three stack Fraim there is no room. Itā€™s a case of HiFi first, guests lower down the chain.


No bean bags required. Am happy with what I have done! Itā€™s sound first here!


My sofa wasnā€™t constructed like that at all. Nothing was bolted or removable. Framework was nailed together. Nothing was removable. Whole thing had to be hacked up! Ripped leather cushions out and then cut the fraim up into pieces. Nothing could be unbolted or removed. All sofas are different construction I guess.

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Spelling error saying Fraim rather than frame which is apt. Will not edit!

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Anyway guys donā€™t know how to say this. And hope you donā€™t mind. I have had two recent scans following battle with anal cancer. It now looks like I have liver cancer. Iā€™ve got two emergency scans coming up and consultants review in 4 weeks.

What I can say is I love this forum and I love the support you have given me. And I am so glad I have done the upgrades I have done. It has made me very happy. I am 50 years old and have 4 kids aged 3, 15, 17 and 19. I will fight this for all I have.

I love you guys and thank you for all the support you have shown me.

Anyway, back to system pics 2023. Letā€™s celebrate our systems.


So, so sorry to hear this Dan.

Cancer is an absolute bastard, and entirely indiscriminate. I hope you have caught things relatively early.

I really enjoy your posts and following your Naim journey. I wish you and your family all the very best and trust you can fight this wretched thing.


Iā€™m very sorry to hear this news Dan, it wonā€™t have been something youā€™d want to learn. At least you have it detected, presumably from monitoring, so a plan can be made with more information. You are obviously strong and resilient with a great attitude, which will give you much fortitude going forward. Wishing you all the best.


Danā€¦ā€¦.you are a strong guy to post such turmoil in your lifeā€¦ā€¦.keep strongā¤ļø


Thanks so much Mike. Itā€™s a spot of 22mm on liver. They will look at key hole surgery ideally to remove it after MRI scan and PET scan of liver . If they canā€™t remove it it will be chemotherapy to sustain my life as long as possible.


Thanks so much Gazza. I really appreciate it.

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