System Pics 2023

Oil and water, there, I think. I’ve never seen it. Which means nothing…

Dico, please let me know how that goes, Gurus are very special

The XPS DR would be very worth while, I ran one with a 252/250. But the 555PS would be quite a bit better again.

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I too have been listening to mine over the weekend with new hearing aids, have a agree with you - huge improvement especially with cymbals :smile:

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Assuming your hearing aid is battery powered, maybe experiment to see if different brands of battery affect the sound?

Or swap the battery for, um… some sort of external power supply?



I’ll keep You informed but it will take some time. Official launch only within one or two months. A new Guru 42 (floorstander ?) announced for early 2024.

That’ll answer everything.


Latest update.

This week I have been mostly trying a good quality Borosilicate glass Toslink cable between the Mutec MC3+ USB and the Naim Dac, initial results are very promising and I think I maybe prefer it to the BNC - BNC Siltech cable.



A HiCap comes to mind :joy:

I would definitely go 555PSDR. They come up on auction on ebay every week at moment. It’s alot better than an XPSDR. Worth the extra money. Don’t be swayed by dealer. Get the 555PS. Brilliant kit.


Not much new but a system pic nonetheless.

Been away from the forum for a while but @Dan_M Really sorry to hear about your bad news. Really impressed by your response though. All the best.

Listening to David Gray, White Ladder on vinyl. The washing on thd dryer behind me has improved the bass response :grin:


This is rather interesting, no experience with the Naim DAC but typically optical is regarded as the worst type of digital connection, with many devices having it more so just for additional compatibility vs it being designed as the best connection type for the device.

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Can it be powered by a Supercap or maybe even two (@Igel :sweat_smile:) hanging from pierced ear lobes :flushed:


I fed my NDAC almost exclusively through its Toslink input. It seemed to be quite sensitive to noise entering via the electrical inputs. Probably not an issue with another Naim device as source, but it wasn’t happy with whatever it got from my Bow ZZ 8.

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I was in an experimental mood and just thought I’d try it out and the Toslink cable was reasonably priced.

Sounds/notes are a little (very slightly) thinner no less bass though but with that comes more clarity/detail and less noise.

Voices are smoother and everything is less glassy/shrill/sibilant.

Only early days and more A/B to do.

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The dividing line between humour and insensitivity can be really thin sometimes. Hopefully you won’t ever need anything medical in your lower area that can be powered by a Supercap hanging form your - oh well.


Oh dear, sorry this rubbed you up the wrong way. I have been reading of your health issues and in no way do I treat seriously ill health as a humerous topic. Quite the contrary.
However, considering what happened to HH, I thought it was good that he can rise above that and show some humour by saying that maybe his hearing aids are still burning in or have burnt in. I simply continued in the same vein with my silly double Supercap “joke” which in hindsight is inappropriate. So apologies for that.


Mr @anon17458420 is one of the many many good guys on here. He is not the most sensitive. But he means well. He is alright as far as I am concerned. Lots of funny comments about my system and upgrades which I don’t like. But he means no harm and is a really good guy. So life is too short. Take him how he is and forgive the poor man. FFS he doesn’t even have a DR system ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Funny weird or funny ha ha :wink:
Please note there is only one funny comment for each upgrade :joy:


I don’t need any of those dodgy regulators anywhere near my system thank you very much