System Pics 2023

As it happens, I had £1,600s worth of Isoblue before getting my table. Before deciding whether or not to keep the table, I carefully compared the two, and could hear no difference, so I kept the table and sold the Isoblue. The table is solid ash, and is very light and also very rigid, being a tripod construction. In comparison with many ‘proper’ stands, I suspect it’s actually very good.


Looking at the system i shouldn’t think the speakers are putting much energy/vibrations into the room/floor to start with. So probably not really any problem to fix.
Plus only one box, so again no real problem to overcome.

You only need to fix problems is you actually have them. That’s why we get so many different responses on everything to do with this hobby.


Nothing new here, but there could be…:face_with_peeking_eye:
A preloved XPS-2 with DR upgrade, with excellent provenance and recently serviced at Naim has come up.
The price is very favourable but, having never heard one, I’m not sure just how much of an upgrade it will really bring🤔
I would welcome views from anybody with real world experience of a system similar to mine receiving such an upgrade.
Thank you


I had an XPS on my nDAC before I went NC and can say it was a very worthwhile addition. But what happened to the I’m done quote from not so long ago?

:wink: :+1:


Do I spy a Nak in that rack @BigAl?

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Has the speaker on the right had too much wine :joy::joy:

With a 300 in the system I’d be looking for a 555PSDR.

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Ivor Tiefenbrun, before the era of posh audio racks, prescribed that his LP12 were placed ‘on a light, rigid coffee table’.


Great setup. Some lovely vintage gear there.
What are the silver/gold units to the right if I may ask?

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You do indeed, Kev. It’s a DR2. I’ve also got BX125 in the loft, which unfortunately does not play. A shame, as I thought it replayed better than the DR2: not easy to get repaired in Kent…

The Technics deck below the Nakamichi does work, though!


Nope, I’m looking at an XPS not a 555🤷🏻‍♂️

The big lump on top of the r/h stack is a Sony DVPS9000ES dvd player which will do SACD playback, and below that is my Sony CDP -XA555ES cd player. Both were bought new (at different times!) 20 years or so ago.


It’s great that you’re the original owner and I assume looked after them. I bet they sound good too.
I wish I had something like them :+1:

Thank you! They are actually in excellent condition for their age.

The DVD player was an extravagant purchase (particularly in the opinion of a chap I worked with at the time), and the CDP replaced a hopeless Arcam Alpha +, which I simply threw away.

You have piqued my interest now: the CDP I bought from the SONY Centre in Ilford on 30/09/2000, and the DVD on 11/08/2001 from Hi-SPEK in Finchley

I also have a Sony STD777ES tuner in the loft :flushed:

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Back when Sony made gear that made you want to buy it


I was with Tony @BasicallySound recently, last week, to audition a Naim psu for our nDAC.
(Thinking to add an external psu to our nDAC, which is used with a ND5 XS2).

On this occasion, the 555PS was auditioned. Previously, earlier this year, a XPS DR was also auditioned. Both offer more. Maybe refinement, weight of notes, clearer bass. Just a little more articulate.

Hope that helps?
In-the-meantime, we are thinking about this.

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Thanks @ratrat.
I’m going to ask Tony to bring it out and if it works I’ll buy it I think.


Hi Adam1,

thx for your extended complementary information. Your experiences confirm a try of the new Guru 12 (pre-presented during the Dutch Audio Event begin of this month) with a SN 3 should be fully promising.

Sorry to all for this small topic drift.

Has anyone combined a mana base with Fraim?