System Pics 2023

Excellent Dan. What’s next :wink:

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Nothing hopefully :sunglasses:

My “budget” turntable sounding mighty fine🤣


Yes but what budget are you on?

£6k apparently🤣


NAP300DR retired from my main system (usurped by NAP350s) paired with my Atom HE. Shows what a great streaming pre-amp it is! Was wasted as just a headphone amp / streamer.


Wow, seen them.for £8250 on auction site. They have come down in price so much. Why is that do you think?

Dealers selling ex demo is my guess. No point keeping hold of them as there are no more being built so selling for what they can get to cut their losses.

Once they have gone I suspect prices will firm back up to a degree. The one that sold for 6k was an auction, not buy it now. Seems mad to sell something like that via auction but there you go, someone got a bargain!

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Let’s see :joy:

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Well you know me by now. There is always something in the pipeline!

300 NC series? 500 Series? LP12 upgrades? New mains block?

Something will happen. Maybe tomorrow.

Maybe never. But one thing I will say is that I have taken the day off. Am sitting back. And enjoying the music.

And that’s what it’s all about. Enjoying music.

How are you getting on with property? Hope all is well.

Best wishes to you and family.


So let’s be clear here. You have bought a Naim Solstice with phono stage and power supply for £6k?

Olive 135s? Although I would do anything more and stay with what you have. Sounding like a scratched record :joy:

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Sadly not me no. One sold on eBay for that price recently.

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All a bit grainy! Lol :laughing:

But you have a Solstice. Getting confused here. You have bought a Solstice but now you saw one go for £6000?

Yes, I bought mine at a good price new just over a year ago. There is a thread about solstice prices on here which is what I was referring to with my £6k comment


Very sorry to hear your news Dan. Good that you are remaining positive about the situation. I found that it helps. I had Pancreatic cancer back in 2003 and had a full Whipple and 7 months of dire chemo and came through only to be diagnosed with Prostate cancer. I had my Prostate removed no viable alternatives available. I retired from work in July 2022 on a Wednesday and the following Tuesday I was having two tumours and part of my Bowel removed followed by a couple of months of chemo. I had my first follow up Colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago and I am clear which enabled me to fly to Florida and see my daughter and Grandson. My late wife died of Bowel cancer back in 2019 which prayed on my mind somewhat and made my outlook rather negative. I got back on Monday. All the very best to you in your battle with your cancer.



Hi Steve,

Just had two scans in last few days. MRI scan on liver and full body PET scan on entire body from eyes to toes. Got appointment with consultant on 21st November.

They think cancer has spread from initial anal cancer to new area in liver which happens 70% of time normally.

I am preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. Bouts of crying, particularly to do with last relationship and 3 year old son are painful.

I am glad you shared your story with me and am so sorry about your wife.

Sending you all my love and best wishes Steve. Life is really hard at times. Especially now for me.

I am very positive but am acknowledging all my feelings of loss, what could of been, regrets, doubts and fears.

Things are really tough right now to be perfectly honest.


Hold on… you picked up a Solstice for £6k?:flushed:

One went for sale on ebay. Others were advertising at 8k.