System Pics 2023

Anyhow, looking at my system and am so proud of what I have created. The three stack system looks and sounds amazing.

Really looking forward to getting LP12 back with Karousel bearing.

There is always hope. And I am staying positive and ploughing through.

The liver area is delicate and likelihood of cure is slim. Let’s see what they can do. I want to live as long as possible.

Every day alive is a good day as far as I am concerned.


Right, got it.
Please ignore my earlier post🤷🏻‍♂️

My XPS-2 DR turns up tomorrow on sale or return🫣

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Doubt you’ll return it - bloody dealers eh - then what? nDac? 252?

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252 and Supercap DR next.

Blimey Dan, that’s really hard , I’m not sure I could be so stoical, but enjoy your mighty fine system and your loved ones with all you have.


The options are limited. The only way I can see is to be positive. Prepare for worst case scenario and hope for the best. I am loving my system. It keeps me going. Some people may say I shouldn’t have spent the money on it.

But this system keeps me going and keeps me happy! It sounds f***ing awesome. It really does.

Loving it. And with Karousel for weekend what more could a man want?


“Some people” don’t get to decide what is best for Dan. Follow your heart; it is your life, and you only get one. The only “some people” to consider are those who love you most, and even then, it is simply a factor to put into the decision matrix.

I admire your fortitude and spirit.


What more?
An S1 if not a full statement system. :grinning:

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Nope, 282/300 is me done.
2x HiCap is ticking the boxes, so no SC required.
NDX2/XPS is as far as my streaming solution will go assuming I keep the XPS.
This System is done…:wink:


I am very, very sorry to read this



The 252 is quite an upgrade :wink::rofl:


Thanks Ian, appreciate it.

52 was big upgrade on 82. Wasn’t much in price difference between 52 and 252. Went for 52 as it’s a bit of a classic.

The 252 or 52 with Supercap will be a big upgrade over a 282 or 82.

It makes full use of Supercap power rails and sounds more resolved.

With a 300DR a 252 and Supercap DR will be amazing.

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Leave it as it is. Enjoy it as it is. You can always change things out if you need to. For now. Leave it alone.

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I think that’s about right. this is why Fraim’s performance depends on the floor material.

That’s very true and I would add that it is very important where we have to do something everyday that gives us some pleasure.

I also think that if possible we should also try to avoid selfishness and think of our loved ones too. I will stop at that.


I reckon you’re in for treat when you get your LP12 back. Karousel bearing is a significant upgrade. Enjoy :wink:


Please do share your thoughts :thought_balloon:

Best wishes

edit : @QuickSticks maybe longer term, we are considering adding a PSU to nDAC → ND5 XS2. So do share your own thoughts :+1:

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Sometimes you just need to unload and get things off you chest. Feel free to contact me and go blah if you wish. Very easy to lose sight of where you are going sometimes. My life has been on hold for the last year but now I am making tentative steps/decisions as to my future. Genuine offer. Remember not to be too hard on yourself and those around you. Love and best wishes, Steve