System Pics 2023

A Forum Member of taste - Eames recliner and footstool, plus Falcon LS3/5A speakers.

(I’m listening to my Falcons as I type this.)


Along with your LP12 and Nait 50?

If so I am so pleased

best wishes



It’s all sounding fabulous, Ian. You visited a few days too early!


Great album

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It will sound better this time next month.

I am so very pleased for you, I have to ask what finish are the Falcons ?

best wishes


Mine are the gold badge Q7’s but I hear they are similar?

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Cherry, to match the cherry plinth of my brand new LP12, which Peter Swain set up for me with his customary expertise.

I’m listening to Leo Kottke’s fantastic all-acoustic ‘6 and 12 String Guitar’, and the sound from the little Falcons is extraordinarily good!


Yes, Sandy, both designs are similar and - I think - use the same drive units, but the LS3/As conform to the BBC spec of 50 years’ standing, while the (much newer) design of the Q7s has a slightly greater internal cabinet volume to improve/extend lower bass response.

I rather like these old designs - after all, the QUAD ESL speakers in my main system were first introduced to an unsuspecting world in 1957 (and never bettered, in my opinion).

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I was lucky to find my Q7’s 2nd hand from the original owner who did a great job building them. Think his room was too large with too many hard surfaces for him to appreciate these so he sold them not long after getting them. Love them in my room with my setup but always curious if anyone has done a direct comparison between the Q7 and the LS3/5a’s. The later are pretty pricey even used here in Canada.


The original BBC design specification for the LS3/5A is getting on for 50 years old. There were four or five licensees producing them at one point, but times (and fashions) change, and I think that Falcon are the only manufacturers today.

By way of background, the LS3/5A uses two KEF drive units, the B110 bass/mid and the famous T27 tweeter. Both were designed by Malcolm Jones at KEF in the 1960s, and he then left KEF to set up Falcon Acoustics.

You will often find LS3/5As on FleaBay at apparently good prices, but the buyer can never be sure of the condition of what is sold on that auction site.


We are working on my speakers. It will be massive aluminium parts.


…the rabbit character from Donnie Darko!

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I guess a 555PS is the best option for external PS to your Hearing Aids.
A shame that Naim doesn’t produce a HA300DR or a HA350NC for the elderly Naim listener

My favourite George Harrison album with some immortal songs

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Wouldn’t that be Bluetooth?

not the worst business plan, high fidelity hearing aids

Love that JG pic

@JMC what has been your experience with using the iPad Pro 12.9 to control your Naim system ? Do you find it to heavy and bulky? Thanks

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@JosquinDesPrez hi. You mention that you use your iPad 12.9 as a steaming controller. Do you find it too heavy and bulky! Do you use the Magic Keyboard with it? Thanks.

Ciao Mark,
I was wondering who it was in the painting…
All ok?