System Pics 2023

I have been absent lately as a couple of years ago we moved into a house that was in need of a fair bit of renovation.

Well today I have set up the stereo. The Atacama rack and Project TT are recent additions. Playing around with the speaker position, while playing some vinyl that I had boxed up over 30 years ago!

Safe to say I am loving it :heart_eyes:

Just some finishing touches to the wiring, lighting and paint work, and I’m done decorating for now :+1:t2:


Someone got a new Solstice for £6K :flushed:

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Your rack fits in beautifully with your room - enjoy

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@Dan_M , @Steve2,

I’m very sorry to read of your situations. I really have no reason to complain about my minor issues. My best to both.



I think I’ve heard every Naim amp bar the 135s. In the end, 252/SC/300 is by far my preferred combo.



52 better still :wink:

Pro- Ject don’t quite get the attention and respect that Rega get. I think they may be the largest turntable manufacturer in Europe

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They can have it - I don’t like saucpens :crazy_face:

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Or dictionaries.


Yep :+1:



Suitable adjustments made, leaving a nice gap for the incoming XPS-2 DR that will arrive for testing in the next hour or so…:blush:


I’d suggest that you put the XPS where the NDX is, and put the NDX either in the gap or beneath the 282.

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I’ve just moved it all from there…:face_with_diagonal_mouth:
I must admit, after I moved it all I thought I should have left the NDX2 in the Fraim and just put the XPS at the bottom of the rack🤦🏻‍♂️
It’s only the temporary position Nigel, it’s all going to be reshuffled in a couple of weeks anyway and I may not keep it🫣

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I have a sneaky feeling it won’t be leaving the cabin once it gets there!

:wink: :joy: :+1:


I have engaged Mrs QS as an unbiased adjudicator. Mind you, she’s cost me a small fortune in HiFi equipment in the past… :neutral_face: :joy:


Yes, the NDX2 will benefit most from the Fraim, and putting the XPS in the gap will mean a big transformer is near the sensitive head units. But you know this of course!!

Cold from the van we did a full before and after test using one of Jason from Naim’s favourite test tracks (Laura Veirs - Eucalyptus). Unused since it was serviced several months ago as well, Mrs QS heard an uplift straight away.
I’ll run it in for a few days and probably shuffle the racks as well. Let’s see how it sounds on a with and without test then😉


Everything is looking fantastic. Ideally you want to try to keep the preamp and streamer on the left stack and power supplies on the right stack or at the bottom of the left stack. This keeps the sensitive signal paths away from the toroidal transformers. This is why with Naim the power cables are on the right hand side.

@Graeme helped me alot with my stacking order with three stacks of Fraim. He may be able to help with stacking order which is important. It’s making sure your phono stage and power supply for that are in the right place.

Yes, what you have will sound amazing but these tweaks all help.

You may well know this already. I always get advice on here on stacking order as others can see things that you can’t.

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