System Pics 2023

I find it impossible to explain these things adequately, I don’t have the requisite vocabulary.
It is a lot easier to tell you what I don’t like about the eliminated products, but that would take a long time as their were a lot of them and I don’t remember all of them now.
If I had a simple answer, it would be ‘you’ll know it’s right when you hear it”…
I found it easy to identify the things I didn’t like with a good listening session.
I generally use the same playlist with a few extras from time to time, that gives me a sensible base line to make sensible comparisons.
I don’t know if that helps at all, but listening is the only way to identify what YOU like and what YOU don’t. Using someone else’s ears and opinions to identify your solutions is never a good plan.


Many thanks for taking the time to put together your reply, I do understand totally your points.

Sorry, I guess what I’m saying in the simplest terms is, the only thing that counts is what YOU hear🤷🏻‍♂️


No changes so far this year except the small light by the tt. Love how it play and it will only be better from here.


That’s a very lovely picture on the wall by the left hand speaker.


Thank you. It is by Bruno Krauskopf. A german who moved to Norway and later to USA then the WW2 started.


You could either stain, seal, lacquer etc them to a finish that matches more closer to the other timber in the room, or even give them a fancy paint finish. I think I’d go with the sealer if they were mine. Have a look at the DIY speaker threads for some examples.

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Presumably it’s an original. It’s absolutely lovely.

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I wasn’t planning on anything, then this became possible…. And I could not resist. I’m in love.


thats a lot of kit ! will probably keep itself warm…enjoy

Sure. My late grandmother bought them directly from the artists wife in the 60s/70s. I have a few other as well. Both and without signature.

Fixed the speaker cables, sort of. It is PN cable, 1,5mm².
Each speaker get 2x500 watt mono to the bass system. Midrange are fed with 12watt.


It seems a lonely pursuit.

What do you mean Gary?
It is a space that I created for myself, but there are times when my wife joins me and friends visit.
When you’re retired and your partner/spouse is still working, you spend a fair amount of time alone. I ENJOY my alone time listening to music in a wonderful space, on a wonderful system….:man_shrugging:t2:


It looks lovely I didn’t spot the other chair!

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Ha ha, yes, but you should see the box count of some of the active systems on here…

I do wonder if a darker stain would help (less of a contrast with the drivers) as so far I have used a few coats of Danish Oil. Ultimately I bought the drivers to make some Omega-inspired speakers which I will probably veneer in walnut. They will have a smaller frontal appearance than these, which measure 100cm x 40cm without the stands.

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My shed has only one chair in it. I do most of my critical listening between 10pm till 1am. Everyone else has gone to bed :man_shrugging:. Never ever felt lonely though. A mate of mine once told me that when you own high end hifi, you don’t need friends :wink:


Looks a fascinating speaker system. How have you implemented a crossover to the bass section? Is it electronic before the amplification or via a passive filter?

Nice picture. He painted some remarkable portraits.


Yes, I use a Groundsound DCN28 preamplifier/DAC/ active crossover / EQ / USB soundcard. Made in Denmark, but now discontinued. But still serviceable if something happens.