System Pics 2023

Slight change to the setup

My trusty 300 thats served me well over the years partnered with a 272, 282 252 and 552 is now on its way to a new home.


Evaluating a simpler approach… 6 boxes ( including psu’s) to one…,


The Nova is a cracking piece of kit and would probably match very nicely with the New Classic 250 if you needed more poke.

Enjoy your demo.


That sort of misses the point of the Nova. If a 250 was required, a 222 is only £900 more than a Nova and would surely make far more sense.


I don’t disagree Nigel. It’s a great one boxer but it does give the option of adding an amp if you so wish. If you’ve got plans for more then yes, a 222 / 250 would be a better starting point.

I do like your latest setup. The Nova on its new table looks good and blends in very nicely with the room. Less can really be more.


Thanks James. It is indeed a top table.

Thank you. Very interesting. It would be great if there were more products like this available. At the moment I’m looking for something that will crossover up to circa 200hz for subwoofer/bass module applications but longer-term something capable of setting multiple crossovers (variable) and channels would be needed if I want to build speakers that are more than ‘full range’ + bass. I find passive crossovers a bit of a minefield.

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How is it sounding so far? Enjoying the 500? I think it looks great by the way.

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Thanks Dan. From the first note I was hooked completely drawn into the music sounds fantastic, I have a feeling things will improve especially as the kit has been switched off for a day.


They look so wonderful thank you!

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Ah Yes. I must have also missed the model reference…

I had the Majik 109’s when I had some Linn gear and I really quite miss them, they were wonderful

SYSTEM UPGRADES 2023 (so far…)
The obsession evolves.
*Changes in System
**Additions to System

Integrated Amp: Naim SUPERNAIT 3
**Power Supply: Naim Hicap DR
Streaming Platform: Naim ND5 XS 2
CD Player: Naim CD5X
**Power supply: Naim Flatcap 2
Phono Preamp: PS Audio Stellar
Turntable: VPI Scout 1.1
*Turntable: Well Tempered Classic
Cartridge: Hana ML
Speakers: Dynaudio Evoke 50
*Speaker Cables: AV Options Twisted-56 speaker cables
Rack: Adona 45 Series
Room Treatment: ASC Tube Traps / Sound Panels

A really big shout out to Nick and Chris over at AV Options.
I live in a area void of any Naim representation.
Nick and Chris’s knowledge and passion for Naim is unsurpassed.

Stay tuned more to come.






Nice system.
I too went with Evoke 50’s.
Fabulous aren’t they…:blush:

Did you tell him you were one upgrade away from cutting him loose? :melting_face:


A couple of changes from 2 weeks ago. My YBA 2A power amp died on my and there’s a two month wait list just to get it looked at. So I went into the secondary market and found my unicorn - a pristine 1990 vintage Audible Illusions S-120 - and, while I was at it, I picked up an AI L2B to match. Still dialing in the cables and what not - but what glorious sound I’m getting! And my cd3.5 is happy not to be the old guy in the group anymore. :smiley:

Now to figure out how to update my ‘system’ page with all the new (to me) toys…