System Pics 2024

What a fantastic system and lovely room!


New arrivals, the Guru 12’s, in place and settling in.

Some gorgeous sounds coming from them right now as they begin their running in period.


That’s a very good tautology. It’s also a lovely system, one that would both look and sound a lot better if it could be split into two half height racks. Hopefully you could hide the power block behind them.


Stunning setup :ok_hand:

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Looks just fine as it is to me @DerekC, are you happy with sound and aesthetic?
Seems that stack looks nicely balanced in the corner of your room :blush:


Hi Nigel @DerekC has a fine looking system and really doesn’t need your advice re splitting his racks - you always seem to find something to criticise in everyone else’s system - mine included!

Maybe you’re just sore because you can’t have a proper system anymore! :rofl:


Thanks Nigel but the system layout as it is now is by design and not accident. I have previously tried other options but to me this is far more aesthetically pleasing while also providing much greater accessibility to connections and allowing cables to hang naturally in free space and most importantly, also sounds better. My living room also feels like a living room rather than a hi-fi shop or studio and when playing music I feel like I am listening to stunning music and not just a very good hi-fi system.
I also consider myself to be extremely fortunate to be at this level now because a few years ago, this would have been way beyond my wildest dreams. To say that I am delighted would be a gross understatement.


Is that a Rega TT? The plinth looks even less deep than I ever remember seeing.

Many thanks Jon, I have replied more comprehensively to HH.


Many thanks QS, you can read my more comprehensive reply to HH.


Many thanks Simon, as you will see above, I have written a fairly comprehensive reply to Nigel (HH).


Many thanks Mark.


It looks amazing Derek and you are most welcome, but I’m just telling it like I see it😉
If I were ever to upgrade my system it would be along the same lines as yours.
That 500 setup must sound amazing.
Good for you mate👍🏼


Thanks for taking the time to reply. The only reason I mentioned it is because I once had a CDS3/555, 552 and 300 system, with a NAT05 tuner, and it was arranged in a tall Fraim tower with a base and six levels. I was advised to split it by another Forum member - I was very happy to receive that advice because I knew the member was trying to help me get the best from my system, which to me is one of the great strengths of the forum - and it made a massive difference, at least as good as spending £5,000 on another black box. It made cable dressing easier and because it was lower it was far more discreet in the room.

I was simply passing on the advice I received in case you were interested and wanted to enjoy that same improvement.


That last sentence is really unnecessary. What I have now is through choice and I’m disappointed that you chose to be nasty, rather than simply not responding to my post, which was not directed at you. The member to whom it was addressed is clearly not upset in the slightest, and does not need others fighting a battle that doesn’t exist. The forum is surely all about supporting each other to get the best they can from their system and I’d hope that constructive criticism would be welcomed. If all people want to say it ‘ooh, that’s lovely’, ‘congratulations’ or ‘I wish I had that’ the forum would be a pretty sorry place.


Shame they don’t make them anymore because I would get a pair. This speaker quest has dropped to zero because no time and interest is also waning. May stay with my “chrome bumper” wharfedales


I responded to your post because I’d had enough of your negative comments to myself and others on the forum - if advice is asked for by all means comment - if not - shut up - you don’t know everything!

The guy has a brilliant looking system and I’m sure it sounds equally as good. He is justifiably proud of it and merely wanted to let us all see it. There was no need to try and find fault which is exactly what you did.

Furthermore the reason that the IsoAcoustics Orea’s maybe didn’t like your Nova was something to do with the companies name. They are designed to isolate things - one item from another! As you only have ONE item how would you isolate it from itself?

In finishing my little rant - or whatever you deem this to be - I would like to point out that most of us here put out advice on the basis of: this is what we think or believe to be right - and not as you seem to: because you KNOW you are right!


Perhaps you should re-read what you’ve written and consider whether it’s really sensible. You may think the system looks great, I happen not to. It’s entirely subjective. It’s not a fascist state and I’d like to think I can post as I see fit without people shouting ‘I’ve had enough’. It’s ridiculous.


No but like it or not he is very knowledgeable Simon and more experience with Naim than most on here


I have managed to get alot of advice and guidance on my system from @HungryHalibut, @Igel and @Graeme and many others.

Sometimes comments maybe not be want I want to hear but they are honest.

Splitting the racks into three Fraims for me was a bold and uncompromising decision. The layout of the components works so well.

We were debating about a wallshelf for the turntable but I have decided to try to reinforce the floor as a next decision.

Splitting racks into two or three stacks should work very well with a big system.

Obviously it’s up to each indivudual on here what they do. The guys mentioned above are extremely knowledgable and offer advice, which at times can be very direct.

Personally I find a direct no nonsense approach to be genuine rather than just saying it looks great when maybe it could be done better.

If you’re dedicated the system will be uncompromised. You will do everything you can to get things spot on.