System Pics 2024

You know you have some years left to build on your system when you see others trying to hide Naim statement in the corner behind the system.


Thanks E. Yes initially I had it the same way as per Supercap to Superline but spotted it a couple of days in :person_facepalming:

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After saying I was never going higher than the 252/250DR due to space, a 300DR goes and comes up and I can’t just ignore it now, can I?! The rack situation is not ideal, although I do like the looks, but it’s a temporary home until I can switch over to a Fraim and potentially two stacks, though not sure how that will work in a city flat…


You are making me blush Blackbird :joy:. Trust me I tried to find a way to sit it in between the FRAIMs but it meant dropping to two stacks and they were then just too high.


Tonight’s system, Dali Katch G2.

Bluetooth speaker which sounds absolutely exquisite, approaching a MuSo Qb but much smaller. Great for the road……


Haha , that’s a submariner ?

Or Gmt ?:wink:

It’s a GMT Master II.

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Beautiful !!! :wink:

Now the “Queue” for any Rolex sports model are crazy - years - I was very lucky to get a full rose gold GMT 2 months ago :pray:t2:


Oops off topic … :sweat_smile:

The Audiovector R1 Arrete looks good.

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Well spotted, GMT2, 17 years old. Black ceramic bezel, which apparently Rolex are planning to re-release later this year.

Back on topic, the Dali is marvellous for travel. Every penny has gone into the sound reproduction. So, no WiFi, no fancy app to control it, one simple tone control etc…


Thanks a lot! They’re a bit divisive in this house. The other half prefers the wood veneers of my old ProAcs, but when it came to sound, these were a different level so they stayed. I like the look of them myself, they have a bit of a retro-future thing happening with the AMT tweeter. I thought they matched the stands better than the old ProAcs too. Honestly, if I was crazy enough I’d have kept both sets of speakers but my storage is already creaking under the weight of all the Naim boxes so something had to go.


I told myself I’m done with speakers but if I ever wanted to try another speaker, the R1 Arrete will be the one. I currently have Marten and Graham speakers and do not have space to accommodate another pair (I want to keep them all).


What do you think of the combo & how is the AMT? The R3 Arrete is one of the ones I have my eye on. From what I’ve read the AMT is rather resolving but at the same time it doesn’t tear apart not so great recordings? I like all the “HiFi” aspects but I still want the system to sound musical.


Installed my new tv rack, which can now accommodate the Ear amp and with enough air above it.


The new rack looks good.

Have you considered replacing the other two racks with the same so that they are all matching?


Not a single moment DG. The tv rack is not at the same level as the others. The non matching colours and racks don’t bother me. I am not prepared to invest more than 6k to have big long rack to accommodate all these boxes. But if you want to make a bank transfer, you are my guest. :grin:


Thanks for the offer, but let me ponder on this for a year or two.

But seriously, it’s been fun watching your journey and I’m glad that you’re now getting it as you want.