System Pics 2024

Keep looking at this, all the reviews are very positive!

I was in Japan for a fortnight so late to see cohen1263’s post re. 500s active with 808s: a question: did you consider 350s? I am limited to 2 Fraim stacks and 3x500s would be too tall I fear, with positioning problems…

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3 different racks - different hifi stuff.
Very nice - full respect from a guy, where going from olive to classic and from naim ls to kudos is a change where I need psychological support.
Honestly- very nice and perfect for the space under the Telly

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That fits in really well. What a great find. Now there is no risk of falling over the amplifier when you change records!

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A nice bit of evening light on the main system…


Do you have no spikes underneath 606?

I did consider a six pack of 350’s NB. I’m sure that path would be great although check my photo. 3 x 500 head units vertically on a FRAIM is more or less equivalent to 4 power supplies. So with three 500 P/S’s that’s just one standard height FRAIM level more than the six pack would need.

I couldn’t compare the six against 3 x 500 so asked for advise from two of the top brass at Naim. Both told me that although the 350’s will probably go “louder” the 500’s will be “better musically”. As I already owned one 500 the decision was easy.

No regrets at all as the system sounds fantastic even before full burn in. With T808’s the upgrade from one passive 500 to 3 x active as at least on a par with 552 to S1.


Very kind HH, thanks. I struggled a lot to find something that can accommodate my amp, give enough air to it, and put the tv also.
No audiophile rack offers enough space between two shelves, at least I didn’t found it.
This one is not audiophile, not expensive, but I use a butcher block under the amp and some Cerapucks under the butcher block and under the amp.
The tubes amp needs a good isolation.
I think even to remove the shelf in the middle high, because it runs too hot I feel.

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I didn’t offered you a psychological support but a psychological boost to spend your money :smile::joy:


Yes, the Kudos factory fitted ones.

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Me too - but looking for isolation

I’m really happy with the set-up but let me know how you get on.

Especially in conjunction with the Audiovector Zero Arreté speaker cables these Audiovector R3 speakers are really exceptional … their AMT tweeter sounds lovely, resolving, very natural, above all ‘foot tapping’ and anything but being too bright, or analytical!


A picture from tonight’s session as I left Mrs Q to watch the Golf.
Very interesting listen to the LP12 and 7000CDT this afternoon, as both were switched to PowerLine Lite’s.


That’s an interesting mix of electronics Mr Rooster. Bet it sounds wonderful.

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Thanks for the reply Mike, I’ve heard the previous gen at a show & was rather impressed overall but have read that the current gen was another step up in regards to musicality, so great to hear your confirmation.

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I really like them. Before these I had a pair of ProAc DB1’s and I really loved them so they had to pretty special to oust those. I found they felt a bit more resolving but without losing any of the drive or musicality, in fact, at first I worried if they might not be a bit too dynamic and become tiring to listen to after a while, but that was a fear that never realised. My other concern was with the tweeter being too narrow, but again, not at all. It throws a really wide soundstage and the sweet spot is massive, they sound great pretty much anywhere in the room, which I know can sometimes not be the case with ribbon style tweeters. They’ve jjust got tons of dynamism and sound really fun, lots of wow factor. I listen to a pretty broad range of music and never had any problem with bad recordings and that’s even on stuff like Shellac and Big Black, which is almost intentionally harsh, or other 80s post-punk stuff. I think if I was really looking for a criticism, I’d say they are not a very laid back speaker. They can play lovely vocal jazz wonderfully, but they do always sound very engaging and quite in your face, which might not be for everyone. For me they compliment that Naim up front style very well. I used them with a 282/250DR, a 252/250DR and now a 252/300DR and they sounded great on all three configurations. I know some people say the 252 can sound a touch boring in comparison to the 282 but I never found that at all. Wether or not that’s to do with the speakers I’m not sure, but it wouldn’t surprise me given their characteristics.


Fits well for your ear amp !! Nice :muscle:t2:

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Love your dCS !!! :heart:

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That looks alot better than having the Ear 534 on the floor. It’s a well thought out solution and I think it’s worked well. There’s now less risk of accidents too, with it being off the floor!

How is your system sounding?