System Pics 2024

I can’t make out the badge on those speakers. Are they classic TADs?

Sonus Faber Extrema’s I think FZ🤔


Really lovely @Bob3 , but you’ve cropped the picture to tight at the top, can’t see Bowie :rofl:

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Have another look…just for you

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How kind :+1:

Thanks @Steinwerck. They are Sopra 2s!

Indeed … Sonus Faber Extrema

Hi JD,
This pair was the last demo set for the then US Linn/Naim importer Audiophile Systems. When I was looking for a pair in the US, someone private messaged me over at the Pink Fish that there is a beautiful pair available near my location. He has seen the pair himself and said they were in a great shape. A friend of mine was kind enough to go over there and pick them up and brought them over for me replacing my borrowed fried’s DMS I was using. The new PMS did not come with the passive X-over since the owner was using actively. A few years later I purchased a pair of X-over from another Linnie in the US ( he went active a long time ago and wanted to unload ).
After a few years I had them recapped ( and links restored ) and sounding even better~


That’s a great story of a community working in unison.

Hav e you still got the P3ESR?

Many thanks


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Hi Cohen 1263
Haven’t been here for a while but great to see another S1 3x500dr active system. It looks phantastic, and I am sure it performs miraculously. You could play around with the setting of the three fraim stacks at some point if you wish. I found the S1 buried away comprising its performance somewhat.
Many greetings


Hi Charlie

Thank you and yes the two new (ish) 500´s are burning in nicely. I’ve stated that going from one 500 passive to 3 x 500’s active into 808’s is comparable with the 552 to S1 upgrade.

Not sure where else the S1 will go. I gave it a lot of thought. As is allows for good routing of cables because of the space created between right FRAIM stack and S1. It’s a big system to facilite even in a relatively large room, as you know. It’s sounding mighty good and my wife is happy so “if it ain’t broke……”


I once got a lot of heat here for my unconventional setup of three fraims with an S1 I came up with to fit it into the corner. :sweat_smile: but my wife seems quite relaxed about it :joy:


:smile: Great pic. I have a radiator that negates that config option for me. The S1 seems fine where it is. Maybe my pic is deceptive. It has plenty of space around it.

P.S no need for you guys to sleep apart over over how the hifi looks surely. Kiss and make up :grin:


Oh ok I was wondering what’s behind that curtain to the right …

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The reason you got a hard time is because people are jealous and don’t like it when others have something that is very special.

There are others with S1 500 systems and full statement systems who get a hard time.

It’s not acceptable to do that. I am glad to see systems like yours. Its a shame some don’t see it that way. But that is their issue.

And I am happy to see the S1 and 500 based systems. Bring it on! More pics of statement the better.



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It’s just life Dan. I come from humble beginnings and never flaunt my financial security. But that doesn’t stop the green eyed monsters projecting their hate/envy. Only insecure people tend to do it. To be fair there are no more haters (percentage wise) on the forum than in life generally and there are plenty of good guys like yourself posting here :+1:. I have around a dozen boo boys on my mute list. No time for them.


I just took a measure of my wall to the right … it’s 127 cm including the wooden door fraiming with a slight overhang of the right fraim stack around it. Maybe it’s helpful. When I initially started my plans going active some years ago I spent quite some time trying out various configurations how to fit the stacks in the corner and which components go where to allow all that cable dressings


Yes, best to skip the 552 and go from the 52 direct to the S1 :sunglasses:. Might be some good buys around.