System Pics 2024

Thanks for that Charlie. Peter Swain has sourced me an ARO so I will be adding a couple more FRAIM levels shortly. When he installs the LP12 I will ask him for his opinion also.

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There is one out there Mike. Selling S/H at £45k but I don’t think Richard will allow me to identify the source.

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Oh perfect, I am sure he’ll be very helpful in every respect.
Peter actually happens to know my system for over 20 years and has done all my LP 12 upgrades, unfortunately due to Brexit he won’t come here anymore, though :relieved:

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It’s a good call Mike. Maybe we start another thread: Dan’s S1 plans. Any donations I mean contributions are welcome :joy:


There’s a new one sitting in Australia for A$96K, reduced from $160K - part of the fire sale that’s been going there for a while.

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I will pass on your regards. He’s in NY at the moment. We are arranging a time for me to hear all the options with LP12/Keel/ARO on Tuesday. I will be very interested in how the power supplies compare. I am a big fan of the ARO/ Geddon combo.

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If you have the cash mate that is around trade price :+1:

One of those sold here a few weeks ago, I was quite tempted, but will just add a PS to my LP12 at some stage.

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I owned an LP12 with the same spec ( except I had a Troika) as yours many years ago. It was a fine sounding deck :+1:

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You’re fortunate that Peter Swain has managed to find you an ARO. I hope that it’s in good condition, as Naim can’t service them any more.

The second ARO that I have was serviced and rewired by Linn (not Naim), but this happened before I acquired it from Colin Macey (WYSAH, Beaconsfield) last year.

It’s a fabulous tonearm!


He emailed me on Thursday Graham. He wrote that it’s a “late example, supplied originally by him in excellent condition”. That’s good enough for me :+1:


Alas, that would require my retirement pot and our daughter will require some support as a young adult I expect and they come first. I must reminder to buy more lotto tickets though - never say never.


If some of you guys are interested I will post a report on the dem at Cymbiosis with pics and a description of how I feel the different options sounded.


I have no problem with people who want big systems , jealous that they have the space or the room to put them.

At the other end of the scale there are people with compact or deliberately simplified systems , the important thing is that they bring quality music into our lives.

The simplest system I saw here was a two box system of a Technics 1500 (built in phonostage) and a Muso. , still well over a couple of thousand to buy and capable of delivering a quality of music that most people will never experience


I thought I’d better post a picture for good luck.


Mate I’ve gone for a much cheaper car to fund my 500 active purchase. That type of liquidity is not found easily even by the affluent. Still the law of diminishing returns and all that……:+1:


Absolutely yes :raised_hands: !!

From 2018 :see_no_evil:
wished I could come there too


Good post Ian. I’d rather have my LP collection built up over 40 years with my old LP12 ( Mike’s spec) and a 52/250/SL2 than my present system and 20 LPs. Assuming that an ND555 didn’t exist of course😊


@Charlie wow nice S1 !!! Is that a mirror reflection on the side of the S1? Been looking at the pic for some time, figuring out how the S1 been placed there :sweat_smile:

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I was told by a few fellows (some are dealers) that why I do naim, it’s mini component standard!!!:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes: those looks … :roll_eyes: