System Pics 2024

Last chemo yesterday mate! :heart: :muscle:


And there was me thinking you had some exotic marine setup. Goldfish are hard to beat - many years ago I published a paper on goldfish feeding behaviour.


There’s only one fish in main tank called Bob. It blinded his mate Tony and chased any fish added the tank. Tony ended up retiring to another tank where he survived a good 4 months with one eye.

But Bob is a survivor like me and won’t die !

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I had an Oscar like that. We named him Oscar, which wasn’t exactly original.


I’m really quite surprised how well it works. The bigger system of course was better in a technical sense but the 222/300/NC250 work beautifully together and is more cohesive as a whole. It feels complete if that makes sense.

The 332/300/NC250 always felt like it was missing a little something. My gut is the 332/300 really needs the 350’s to gel.

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Excatly, and a 333 300, or separate streamer. So 2 stack system and lots more cash. And problems with the dog and cables.

You could have put the system in cabinets and hidden all the cables but that becomes another project. Many have done this with. My system was originally all in units.

I had similar issues with a kitten and a 6 box 252/300. A Devialet was the solution. Cat is older now and back with Naim. Agree the 222/300/250 is quite outstanding.

My Naim preamp. (You might think I would have dusted it first!)


Naim speaker


Couple of quick pic’s, no changes from the last few years and non planned. Walls and ceiling have been painted with a move away from grey.


A lovely room, @AndyJ. Elegant, relaxing and classic.


Very nice Andy :+1:

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Was it hard to paint over the radiators? It looks great. I want to paint over mine to match the walls but the people whole installed them keep telling it’s a bad idea, invalidates warranty blah blah blah. But we’ve also got dark walls with white radiators.

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Nice images
Very thoughtful and creative :+1:

Like what you’re doing over there

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You can get specialist radiator paint which is heat resistant.


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Now to convince Mrs. FZ.

There seems to be an expensive primer sold for every surface imaginable these days, some of which I find entirely unnecessary. That includes radiators (at least the modern white painted steel things you get in the UK). I have painted a number of these with ordinary emulsion paint as used on the wall behind. No primer or undercoat is required. I just rub them down with a Scotchbrite pad, wipe clean and apply two coats of paint.


I use a paint called Dead Flat by Farrow & Ball, you can use the paint on walls, ceilings, wood and metal.

Just spent 9 weeks painting the whole house but it makes it easier if the skirting, radiators and walls are the same colour. In a couple of rooms I painted everything the one colour which makes it even easier.

Dead flat has a 3% sheen, doesn’t have the nice texture of an eggshell but it made my life easier. It’s also water based and dry’s in about an hour or two so quick to give it a second coat.


Also dead easy to paint the radiator, takes two coats and then I have to touch it up in a few places afterwards. In general I’m finding using a darker colour takes a little longer as it shows up any mistakes!

Every time I ‘adjusted’ my LP12 suspension, instead of getting it to bounch up and down like a piston, it had rotational sway like an agitator in a washing machine.

And every time I had to carry it back (physically, I had to walk it from the place I was living to the nearest Linn/Naim dealer) for them to put it correct.

Finally they told me that the next time I f***** it up, they would charge me to unf*** it.

I even bought some P-clip pliars that really allowed me to screw up even the P-clip and tension of the arm cable between the clip and the arm-base.

The suspension is easy to MALadjust.

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