System Pics 2024

I had my 8 year old 52 recapped once…not because it was sounding ‘off’, but just because I felt it was ‘time’. It came back sounding quite a bit worse than it did before the recap…very flat and constipated. But after about 3 weeks of continuous powering up and play, eventually sounded as good as it did before the service. But not better. So, unless your 552 caps were really faulty, then a set of fresh caps will not sound better right off the bat.

This makes me think that there were undocumented things that were done during service that did not require any replacement parts…like readjusting the suspension- that were responsible for the immediate improvements you are getting.

If you get an LP12 serviced, the suspension is pretty much ALWAYS adjusted as standard protocol, although that may not be documented on the service ticket…instead it may say ‘replaced oil and belt’ and completely overlook resetting the bounce.

Just a guess mind you, but an educated guess based on prior experience.



Hi @LindsayM , any news on your NAT-01 aerial ?…

I don’t get this Sondek “servicing” thing with regard to the suspension. I know it’s supposed to be tricky and a bit mysterious, but when I had one, I found it easy to adjust and test for correct alignment. :thinking:


Thanks for sharing. The 500 series is VERY sensitive to all parameters of setup. Far more so than any other amplifiers I’ve had in the past including the summit Naim olive series.

I’ll add another thing to this. If the 500 series amps have been switched off for a period of time they take a very long to come on song. You’ll experience the timing pretty quickly but the low end grunt and ease to the music including the sweetness to the treble isn’t achieved until they have fully warmed up. This is a subtle change but has a profound effect on the enjoyment of the devices.


Very nice…
There’s been quite a bit of change in that window space, over say 2 years.
Both Hifi pieces and some furniture & lighting.

Particularly interesting is the move from Rega Aura to NVC-TT
How are you getting on with that part ?

Happy listening

A nice bit of sunlight flooding in. I think summer may have finally arrived :crossed_fingers:


@Mike-B no it’s still work in progress!

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Yes. The teenage golden retriever kept passing her ball behind the racks and then burrowing through the wires etc to find it. She also chewed some nice chunks out of the Quadraspire racks, pulled on wires etc. So I decided to move to one rack with less cables. That prompted downsizing to the 222 and NVC TT. Much Easier to hide the cabling now.

As far as the Aura to NVC TT, the NVC TT is much warmer, fatter and has more funk/PRaT to it. So I am enjoying exploring my record collection with the new sound.

Of course it’s not as good as the Aura. Especially in the lower octaves.


You’re right. Although I think the 500 warms up pretty quickly, I have found in the past that the 552 seems to take around a week. I also wonder if the new caps go through any sort of burn-in period. Whatever, it sounds rather special already - I wonder how they fitted Statement electronics in a Classic box? :joy:

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When I had a Nat 01 I had a Ron Smith aerial, it was very effective but looked like a shopping trolly attached to my house…. neighbours thought I was communicating with aliens!


I have always found this forum a nice place to be. I enjoy seeing other people’s set ups, whatever they are, whatever we can afford, and yes some of us are lucky to have what we have hi fi wise, but the common theme here is we all enjoy our music. It isn’t a competition, we are all too mature for that I would hope. I am still happy to listen to my first Gen Muso upstairs and amazed at the sound quality while the big brother plays downstairs in the basement.


You’ll be going down HH route with other furniture taking priority. Will be just a Nova in the corner next!

Looks very classy @nicnaim


Very very nice kit Andy.

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This is why the only pets I have are goldfish!

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Appreciate it, @Dan_M

I don’t see a one box streamer/amp happening. If I had to lower box count more I’d be thinking more like a big class A Accuphase Integrated with the LP12. Would leave the streaming to my Muso QB.

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Leave it as it is for now.

My brother has an Accuphase integtrated. He is out in New Zealand and Naim isn’t really supported out there any more so he went down Accuphase Route. It’s nice looking kit.

I think what you have fits the bill. Sure you’ve made a compromise but lots have downsized to your system. Some had complete 500 systems.

I’m building my system up to full 500 system. Once there who knows what I will do. Hopefully nothing at all.


Thanks Dan. I hope you’re doing well and staying strong :muscle: :heart:



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