System Pics 2024

A very nicely balanced and toned room. The TEAC looks perfect as the centre-piece and the IKEA Stockholm is a great choice😊.


Thanks very much. I am waiting for a carpet to be delivered soon. Since the day I chose to stay here I have spent some money on furnishing and decorating. Facing difficult times is easier in a comfortable environment.
As soon as the room is complete, I’ll post a full picture.


Glad to see the nSats back. They look nicer in your room than the IBLs, but don’t know about sound wise.

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nSats look nice everywhere to be honest, but yes, mine do. Sound wise, they’re perfect here. The IBLs will go in another room with the Thorens TD145 and some amp…


That’s great. nSats in your room was my inspiration for them though.


Ooooh, interesting! So I’m not the only one moving on then :hushed:

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Have you decided on what’s replacing your Nait @YetiZone ?

No, not yet, still pondering. But I do really like the idea of one of the Supernaits - compact, powerful and a lovely aesthetic. Also, I quite like the idea of owning an end of an era green logo Supernait3, but also the 202/282/200 used prices are very hard to ignore too - buy an early but minty pairing and have them serviced etc. I don’t have huge room (3.5 x 3.75m) so a NAP200 (or SN) would suffice I guess.

An ND5XS2 or NDX2 are top of the list for streaming duties, but I do intend to audition the NSC 222 & NAP200. Plus, I want to look at the Innuos range as both a server and streamer, and also the Linn Selekt DSM too, although that unit may be out of budget outside of basic spec.

Lots of ideas ruminating, but I have found that once heard some options will eliminate themselves very quickly indeed.


A lot of options to unpack there.
My wife’s system is a fairly modest 202/200 system (see profile) and it sounds truly marvellous in its fairly small space (3mx4m).
Lots of dealers out there holding OC Trade-In stock, so auditioning of such should be relatively easy :crossed_fingers:t4:
Happy hunting sir, enjoy the journey😊


Hands up, I have Very little experience of the “black gear” as I call it, but I did hear the 200/202 into Guru Juniors at a do hosted by TomTom James, and I thought it was pretty good.

I think the 200/2 is a good way to get a Naim pre/power combo at very decent prices. Unloved and overlooked in my opinion.


My wife loves hers😊

@QuickSticks Thank you re the black box hunting - the thrill of the chase in some ways! Yes, lots of options, but I’ll be very surprised if my next boxes aren’t Original Classics.

@BigAl It is odd that the 202/200 are somewhat unloved on the used market. I guess the ease of use and ‘one box fits all’ flexibility of the Supernait range have significantly compromised their desirability.

A wild card which is interesting is a 282/200. A simple two box (plus the dreaded NAPSC), pre / power amp, which theoretically should improve on the beefy 'Naits, for not that much more outlay.

Anyway, apologies for the thread drift, so back to system pics… Naim UnitiQute set up in my daughters bedroom, and for the first time ever will be running off Wi-Fi for the duration of this temporary arrangement. Will see how this works!


My ultimate final system (hopefully!).


What a fantastic system and lovely room!


New arrivals, the Guru 12’s, in place and settling in.

Some gorgeous sounds coming from them right now as they begin their running in period.


That’s a very good tautology. It’s also a lovely system, one that would both look and sound a lot better if it could be split into two half height racks. Hopefully you could hide the power block behind them.


Stunning setup :ok_hand:

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Looks just fine as it is to me @DerekC, are you happy with sound and aesthetic?
Seems that stack looks nicely balanced in the corner of your room :blush:


Hi Nigel @DerekC has a fine looking system and really doesn’t need your advice re splitting his racks - you always seem to find something to criticise in everyone else’s system - mine included!

Maybe you’re just sore because you can’t have a proper system anymore! :rofl:


Thanks Nigel but the system layout as it is now is by design and not accident. I have previously tried other options but to me this is far more aesthetically pleasing while also providing much greater accessibility to connections and allowing cables to hang naturally in free space and most importantly, also sounds better. My living room also feels like a living room rather than a hi-fi shop or studio and when playing music I feel like I am listening to stunning music and not just a very good hi-fi system.
I also consider myself to be extremely fortunate to be at this level now because a few years ago, this would have been way beyond my wildest dreams. To say that I am delighted would be a gross understatement.