System Pics 2024

Note blue led in usb and Nixie tube clock counting down hundredths of a second on the left speaker…


Welcome to the ‘padded rooms’, oops I meant Forum😉
That’s a nice little system you have there, can’t quite make out the speakers though🤔

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Oh sorry I think you misunderstood me. What I meant was that the speakers are shown in their full glory whereas the Fraim is set up behind the wall.

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How would you describe the effect of the ZaZen?

I feel it’s very effective, I had it in place for 18 months then took it away thinking I really didn’t need it.
Well, within a few minutes of listening without, I put it back, it’ll be staying.
I thought the music sounded a bit too shrill and unpleasant.
For me it does help.


A great session with these this afternoon!



Zooming in….
There’s a black power cord. Might be active.
But also white speaker cable that looks like it’s for passive.

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NACA5 also Graeme? Thought you were using Kudos KS1?

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Moved back to Nac about 6 months ago when I sold the Titan 505. Need to sort the cable dressing @ratrat



@soccermad… Bought from new DR;d by Naim. The 282 / 250 DR is a sweet spot in the OC range so not surprised that you are enjoying it.

Out of interest did you get your 282 from the same dealer?

ATB Graham.

Thanks for the detail

I did get the 282 from the same dealer as I find them superb to deal with !! :smile:

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The Nait50 has a new friend… :grin:



Yes the new Vega S1 DAC

Looks superb. Can I ask if you had a streamer connected before and how this compares? I have an Altair G1 in one room that I’m thinking of replacing with this new Vega S1.

I can only compare it to the Innuos Zen Mini 3 and its internal DAC which I used with the Nait, before getting the Auralic last week. I’ve not done a direct comparison, but cold out of the box, the Vega sounded much better, (as it should for the money). Straight away I noticed lower and more controlled bass. More space between instruments, more detail, and best of all, less fatigue when listening to not well recorded tracks. I don’t have the Power Supply so not sure what that would add. But noticed using it with the Zen mini via USB in Direct Dac mode does sound better still.

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@soccermad… agree regarding Moorgate Acoustics. I have been a customer since the 1970s when they had their first shop in Rotherham and have had most of my Naim gear from them.

Top class service, top class people.

PS…This might be something for you to consider for the future. One of the biggest upgrades I ever made to my 282 was adding a Supercap. It improved everything from soundstage to bass.

ATB Graham.



So supercap to replace Hicap DR ?


Yes but take your time. You have a lot of listening pleasure to come with what you have at the moment.

I have been on this forum a long time. It’s full of very interesting people and information but it can lead to confusion and anxiety about upgrades.

Enjoy what you have got it’s a very well balanced system.

ATB Graham.

Edit…Also update your system profile when you get a minute.