System Pics 2024

More like a little Minnow. I’d hope that constructive criticism would always be welcome, but sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case. If people don’t want to get the best from their systems, that’s their decision.

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You’re not wrong Dan and I have been to the ‘whats the point’ level a couple of times myself.
Simon is right though, sometimes a Picture in the ‘System Pics’ thread, is just that.
Some times it is nice to be able to say in pictures, ‘look what I’ve achieved’, without the ‘it WOULD be better if…’ unsolicited responses…IMHO


…and if people want your opinion, perhaps they might ask for it.


I know and there have been times when I have flared up over comments and advice. We are only human after all with hopes and feelings.

When you spend alot of time and effort getting things spot on, sometimes the last thing you want is criticism.

So you’re right too QS. I think some people aren’t sensitive and just give advice regardless of feelings.

I don’t believe it’s done to upset. But it does upset and this is what has kicked things off.

Hello Dan. It’s worth noting that my comment didn’t upset the person it was given to, rather others who are getting upset on their behalf.


That’s all well and good but if someone notices something that could be changed and thereby deliver a substantial improvement, should they keep quiet and let the poster continue to enjoy sub optimal results? Surely it’s best for the suggestion to be made, and the person to whom it’s made then take it or leave it? Shouldn’t we try to help each other?


I suppose much of it is down to the “public forum” interpretation, which when online gets blurred from in person.

Imagine being in a pub and someone pitches over and uninvited says “that shirts a mess, you should ….”

However if in a pub and you turn to those present and say “what do you think of this outfit”, well then it’s open season.

Often different rules applied when online and sometimes maybe in person thoughts might benefit.

All that said it’s just music n hifi, maybe step away from the keyboard and play a tune and chill is best way.


It’s an open forum for discussion. HH is allowed to participate just as anyone else. I don’t find his comments and suggestions offensive. Maybe disagreeable, but so what. If you don’t like them you can ignore them. I’m sure he has made comments about my system before I chose to dismiss (or counter) and move on. I suppose my skin might have thickened somewhat with old age. :stuck_out_tongue:


Look, HH. As far as I am concerned you give great advice. But, you are very direct. Not everyone likes that.

And yes, offence was taken by someone else as it was a trigger for them.

You tell it how it is! That’s you and I know you won’t change and I wouldn’t want you to. You are also genuine and say what you think to help.

When I was younger I used to take criticism to heart. Now I embrace it as it often constructive. I can recognise that we are different and by being direct it will trigger an emotion in others and cause offence even though they are a third party.


As per usual the system pics thread turns to s**t lets start posting some pictures.


Pure poppy cöck I say. Get a grip folks this is the Naim forum

Here’s a very suboptimal setup of my SL2 and system


Skin definitely thickens with age. I was definitely more sensitive when I was younger and more aggressive towards criticism.

It’s human emotions. Naim forum on the surface is about our systems. Underneath that it’s about life, who we are and what we do. So to criticise our systems can be seen to criticise who we are and what we stand for.

It runs deep! And for me my system is the piece of me that is for me. It’s almost sacred!


It had nothing to do with you either! He just posted a few pictures of a system he is justifiably proud of!

I suggest you read @DerekC 's profile - you might understand a bit then!
The guys been through sh*t and all you can do is have a go at him!


Kitchen Muso gen 1


A rarity these days on the system pics thread - a picture

Suggestion, why not start a new system pics disagreement thread.


Damn you and your sensible suggestion of returning to reasonableness. I have just made this to enjoy whilst I enjoy the drama. Now what I am going to do with it!!


Nothing has changed since last year,
Except I’m waiting on My E Boards to arrive,


Or the alternative system pics thread 2024

Come on Simon, keep it in perspective. Suggesting they split their Fraim is hardly ‘having a go’. What someone has been through isn’t remotely relevant in this case. Anyway I’ll leave it there. Everything is lovely. Everyone’s system is perfect. No room for improvement. Much love, Pollyanna.


That looks so cool and I’m sure sounds great as well

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