System Pics 2024

Pollyanna with only one crutch :joy:

This is exactly the point.

And when someone wades in bluntly stating they should do something completely different, and it occurs regularly with others, I think it detracts from the generally friendly nature of the forum.


You know this is exactly what you did, right?



Time for all to calm down. To lighten the mood. Here’s our front room system.

Atom connected to Iotas with only 1m of naim speaker cable. All stationed inside an open backed TV console.

Builder’s sponge in the Iotas’ ports to stop bass boom. And a Kef T2 sub hidden behind. Passive inline volume control between Atom and Kef, as the Kef doesn’t have a volume control !

And we love it :grinning:


Very much so, the only time I ever want to make any comment is to gently suggest a better sound may emerge if items are not stacked on one another.

This thread often throws up very well designed simple systems and that is their strength not a weakness.

On the other hand there are some serious systems that are obviously their owners pride and joy.

With a dodgy knee and cataract , I am trying to keep my as simple as possible.


Nice, I have a similarly structured system! TV into UQ1, into Iotas. Fantastic 2 channel TV and front room music setup 8)


Sounds ok, but it’s is not its final resting place, time will tell, when all set up nicely back at mine,
And if I don’t like it I’ll be selling the whole lot, good thing about CB stuff it keeps going up in value,
An investment I can enjoy,

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“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”
George Bernard Shaw


Many thanks for your empathy Simon but I wasn’t really upset by Nigel’s (HH) comments because I was half expecting it and have tried other options and I KNOW that my set up is right for me.
The practicality is just as important as the aesthetics for me nowadays because following a two month stay in hospital receiving life saving brain surgery and recovery programme in early 2021 at the world renowned Walton Centre in Liverpool (the only specialist NHS neurosurgical hospital in the whole of the UK) from which I was extremely lucky to survive but has left me with tremors in my hands which is compounded by quite serious arthritis and my sense of balance is not quite as it was. Therefore, it is far safer and easier to kneel on the floor and access connections and cables from each side of the rack which is not possible with two lower height racks placed side by side.
But you are right, I wasn’t expecting to have to justify my choice of layout. Thank you once again Simon, it is appreciated.


Wishing you well, and years of pleasure listening to your system.


That’s so lovely. We tried and tried to find an older house with character, but ended up in a modern box. Hey ho.


You’re right there JDP on both sound and looks. Dynaudio call the finish “Blonde Wood” which suits the rest of my room better than the walnut finish of my previous Contour 30’s.

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I like the Chord M6 being visible. It’s a beast. But then I like the Naim powerlines and being able to see them. So I think the look of the M6 looks pretty damned cool.

Lovely speakers, great system, am sure it sounds great.

I would have it as two stacks if it was me. But then I have three! But yes, I appreciate that the system works best for you this way!

Enjoy the music most importantly!


This is rather rude! I assume you are referring to Nigel‘s health — do you think that‘s funny?! Quite an un-tasteful ”joke“… I suggest deleting your concluding sentence.

P.S. In the meantime I have read that you are still very happy with your comment — pitiful.

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Thanks Nigel.

Old houses are a great way of preventing upgraditis.

Lucky to get 6 months without needing some action on the house, so spare funds tend to stay in an account ready for house works rather than amplifiers :rofl::rofl:


As I am not as aware of Nigel’s health issues as you seem to be please don’t assume that was the intention. My comment was a tongue in cheek comment purely on the basis of he used to have a much larger system than now!

As mentioned recently in the “what’s the next bit of gear you’re planning to buy in 2024” thread, I stated I was looking at a Mutec Ref 10 Master clock.

They didn’t have any for demo so sent me a Nano instead which is a new product in the Mutec range at about half the price of the Ref 10 with fewer clock outputs.

The idea is that it clocks the signal in the Mutec MC3+ USB which I use as a (digital to digital) bridge between my server (USB) and my Naim Dac (BNC).

If you have a Dac with a clock input then you could also clock the Dac or an EtherRegen or anything else that has a clock input.

I only received it on Friday, so it’s still early days and possibly still not burnt/settled in so I will hold off on any thoughts and opinions until the end of my demo period.

Both the MC3+ and the Nano have an internal Switch Mode power supply as standard which can be upgraded to an external Linear power supply. Whereas the Ref 10 has an internal Linear power supply.


Let’s help our moderators have a peaceful evening?


Good evening everyone,

I have been following the thread with dismay over the last six hours.

It began with some great photographs followed by a comment intended to be helpful. Some interpreted this as too direct and it proceeded from there. This really isn’t necessary, helpful, fun, or interesting.

Dan_M has tried repeatedly to pour oil on troubled waters, but the whole thing keeps flaring up again. Ironically, all of the protagonists have a history of providing real, meaningful, informed and well-intentioned advice and comment, but this episode isn’t any of those things. I have benefitted from advice from a number of the people invloved in this disagreement, but I am fearful that it might sour the generally supportive tone of the forum. Worse than this, it could discourage some from participating and that would be a loss to us all.

Please let it go gentlemen.

Now, to change tack, I am expecting a new CD transport tomorrow - look out for pics!!

Best wishes,

Brian D.