System Pics 2024

I honestly thought the Asus was an owner’s manual! A clever idea using it as DVD/CD player. Does it make much noise?

Beautiful Dingwall.

Did it take long to get used to fanned frets?

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Thank you!

Not at all, it took me a couple of minutes to do some minor adjustments. The biggest challenge was the lower frets (the ones with lower notes), as they are further apart, so sometimes I was off there. The fret height itself is very low, as it uses banjo frets, which I find very comfortable.

I’m actually a beginner still and ‘not worth’ an instrument of the caliber. It was my birthday, had my eye on it for a while in a spec I very much liked and bit the bullet. Even these, the Combustion line, are relatively hard to find. It does make me a better player, with the instrument being better built. The B-string sometimes is a challenge too to mute, but that’s not different from a non-multi-scale bass. It might be a bit more pronounced, though :sweat_smile:


Not especially noticeable. I’ve just replaced it with a Hitachi LG GP70 External DVD Drive, Slim Portable DVD Player/Writer for Laptop, Desktop PC, USB 2.0, Windows and Mac OS Compatible.
Very quiet. Front loader. Works a treat.

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My Supernait goes from the Netherlands to Salisbury for a recap next week. I am looking forward to hearing the difference.



I can understand that. I had Kans then Briks. Totally different presentation and I certainly wouldn’t say passive Briks are fast speakers, the opposite actually. When you go active it’s totally different again, kans with bass.

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Only change to my main system is a serviced 72 (special) from AV Options - mighty impressive Chris and Co.!

However, I finally found a use for my CD5XS that has been sitting in my basement these last 4 years or so. It’s the centerpiece of my new office system: CD5XS/FCXS/HL2/Grado RS2e 'phones.


Looking better, sounding better. Many thanks @cayorob for the little pressure.


After many Uber expensive headphones and head amps I’m looking for a used headline 2 and grado headphones. are you enjoying the sound of that combination?

I’m assuming the little AV Options labelled box is an adapter for the HL2 DIN5 plug, saving you rewiring the HL2 plug to suit the DIN5 socket pin out configuration on the CD5XS ?

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Indeed I am. I came into the office on Saturday for the final hookup (needed my trusty Lavender IC to connect the adaptor piece, then on to the HL2’s captive IC cable) and ended up listening far longer than I had planned. This morning, as I reviewed some financial data, Talking Head’s Little Creatures enlivened my day. TBH, my response was, why didn’t I do this a long time ago. The HL2/Grado combo is just pure Naim energy / excitement. Smooth, and so evenly balanced. The Lavender really is a perfect gel for the system too. I’ve of course fiddled with all kinds of up-market cables on my main system over the years. This system is perfect, not changing it.

The only critique about the Grado’s is not sound related, it’s comfort. Specifically, the side pressure of the cups after 60-75 mins starts to grate a bit. This is with the stock foam pads on. Grado now offer larger cups that should help eliminate this altogether. I have not tried this tweak yet. From what I’ve read, it does adjust the sound slightly, however. Food for thought…

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Hi James,

I asked AVO to order me a SLIC and the HL2 Adaptor piece. I believe it was a Signals or Cymbiosis Q1 price list where I saw that Naim still sold the HL2 Adaptor. After Chris engaged with Naim NA, they heard back from Naim HQ that the adaptor wasn’t available / for sale anymore. I don’t have any more details on exactly what has happened here. Nonetheless, Chris being the outstanding Naim ambassador that he is, offered to make an adaptor. It’s two DIN plugs wired back-to-back. He Deep Cryo-d the finished product and also used UP-OCC on the internal wiring. I of course can’t compare it, as I don’t have another adaptor, but it slotted in perfectly, and the whole end product is beguiling Naim magic!

Incidentally, the factory had to make another SLIC batch; which was the long pole in this order.


Ah I see - a very neat solution :+1:

You’re very lucky having Chris / AV Options - workmanship and attention to detail is second to none.


That’s what I wanted to hear :grin:.

I love the Grado sound. I cannot understand why it isn’t appreciated as much as other headphones. I had the Grado RS1x with XI AUDIO Formula S/Powerman and loved the speed and detail. I’m with you on the comfort issue though. I would never change the original pads though. I think the rs1e are probably a slightly warmer signature than the 1x which I would welcome. I’m not a detail nut, more of a tone nut. I blame tube amps for this. lol.

I’ll keep an eye out for a clean pair of headphones and the headamp 2. I might even just go for the olive headamp.


New Arrangement with NDX2 added last week.


Enjoy, I got my NDX2 4-5 months ago and I have been amazed at the sound quality. A really nice streamer and after owning an ND5 XS2 (which was very good I should add) the added benefit of the colour screen is very welcome.


I have but a simple Grado SR80, and its great. Had it for aeons, too! Generally used with some simple Phone or even a Discman, as I don’t really need to worry about annoying other people in the house. They’re very exciting sounding.

I also used multiple iGrado and eGrado headphones when cycling everywhere. They’re also particularly good for that as they’re open backed. Sadly, the cables were the weak links and they did eventually give in. Best headphones I had for the purpose by a long shot!


Simply sand the housing with coarse sandpaper and then wax over it. Pull out the tweeter with adhesive tape

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I know you’re not asking me but I thought I’d chip in with some comments on higher end Grado phones.

I have the gs1000x statements (among several other phones, it’s an illness!) and they are very fine sounding. They hold their own easily against focal clear mg and sennheiser hd800s.

However, while the foam pads are very light and airy, they squeak horribly against the arms of my glasses when I move my head.

I also still can’t get over the inability to swap out the cables!

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