System Pics 2024

From an English gentleman I suppose…:wink:

Sorry, still to Cryptic for me🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s a power supply that we’re not allowed to discuss - ssshhhh :dark_sunglasses:


Not, from the builder himself.


Only @james_n post above can help you. Sorry, can’t say more.

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My mistake looked the same, but glad you’re happy.

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Maybe it’s me. English gentleman, yes, but not Dan.


Got it! Mums the word… :shushing_face: :wink:

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You interpreted my first post correctly Rooster, thought you had bought it from Dan.

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Thanks, you confirmed my intuition was right.

( I don’t see any copyright on the pic, :crossed_fingers:)

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Trying my DB 7’s with no grills for a while to see if I prefer the sound. I like the looks more with them on if I had to choose. Streaming 8K video from YouTube while listening to Qobuz 24/192 .


Second setup :ok_hand:, I love it, sounds bloody fantastic

Nait 50
Nait 2 CB (spare amp)
Proac Tab 10 Signatures
Custom Design Rogers LS3/5A Stands with filler
Witchhat Phantom Speaker cable


Would members please respect forum rules. Thank you.

Just playing with speaker positioning, I think I’ve managed to hit the sweet spot.
These Proac’s are an excellent match for the Nait, excellent sound stage. Bass isn’t too bad either considering this room is a converted garage. My girls will be pleased when they return from the caravan especially after took their SBLs :grin: anyway the SBLs were probably too much for this room even though they sounded great.

Playing the following

This setup sounds that good I may setup shop in this room…


Heard these speakers once and lived in my memory enjoy :+1:

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I like cabinet , is it an Ercol?

Many thanks

Set up in my flat can’t wait until I retire and get my system home, Eva sounding wonderful this morning. Considering moving to isoblue racks for the power supplies may match the tv stand better, just love this system, power supples have lifted it to another level


Lovely system. Out of interest, do you use the sound bar with the TV, or the hi-fi with the TV, or both?

Haven’t got round to connecting the tv yet, but will connect to system and lose the soundbar, too busy listening to music :smile:

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