System Pics 2024

That’s definitely not Ercol, but this is.


Its nothing fancy Ian, Vicki thinks we purchased the stand from Dunelm.

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Thank you

Very nice HH, you’ve managed to stick with the Nova and suppress any upgrade idea’s.

Recent Ercol, made in China and Turkey , if I move I may buy this, as my intention is to have a separate headphone system and my Nait 50, with ND5XS2 acting as a hub for a simple TV/streaming system


Indeed. I’ve rather surprised myself. I’ve struck lucky with a pair of speakers that match it really well, and it has a PowerLine and dedicated mains, so is working as well as it can.


The Bosco range is nice; we have a bookcase and small side table. My little two tier pebble table is a one-off prototype, which never made it to production.



Latest setup with Innuos switch and Uniti Core requiring very short connections. I’m sure the stacking police will be on me like a dementor but I have moved the Core and switch a little further apart from the streamer and pre-amp. I am fully aware of optimisation but alas my domestic circumstances dictate and all I can say is wow, what a sound compared to before. Can’t stop listening to music, rain or shine!


If those are obelisks listen to it anyway suits you :+1:

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They are Shahinian Obelisks. Fab speaker!

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The stacking police recognise that some people are beyond help :wink:


And you can tell, very nice design and quality.

Nice fire-lace and candles :smile:

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Hi @frenchrooster

Is it a landline :telephone_receiver: and why is hidden behind the rack? :sweat_smile:


Because we rarely use it. Our provider gives phone, tv, and Ethernet.

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What cable do you use to connect the phone to the wall socket? I’m thinking of upgrading.

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Chord Music phone reference. I can hear speaking at 3 meters.


Optical connection to 333 now sounds fantastic :+1:

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